Why Does My Dachshund Bark So Much and How Can I Stop It?
Dachshunds are notorious for barking all the time.
I frequently see comments, and get messages from readers, asking what they can do to reduce or eliminate their barking Dachshund’s behavior.
In many cases, their Dachshund is constantly barking while they are gone, disrupting their neighbors, making the neighbors angry, and putting at them at risk for getting kicked out of their apartment.
UPDATED: Article originally published April 4, 2015 with the help of Andrew at shepped.com.

Sometimes the questions are about the mail being delivered.
Their Dachshund barks aggressively when the mail carrier approaches the door, scaring the person and interrupting the owner during an important work call.
Others complain about their Dachshund barking “at nothing” all of the time.
I knew of the Dachshund’s inclination to bark and have had some success dealing with it over the years.
I was able to teach my first first Dachshund Chester the “no bark” command when he was young.
Of course, I realized barking was natural to him, and I wasn’t going to be able to eliminate it completely (nor did I want to), but I was able to teach him that constantly barking at everything was not necessary.
When my second Dachshund came home – Gretel – Chester’s barking increased again.
I think the reason was a combination of rediscovering how fun barking was when we had a second dog to join in with him or he felt the need to be “tough” and protect her.
It was probably a combination of both.
My third Dachshund – Summit – loves to lay out in the yard and bark at nothing.
We have neighbors so this is disruptive to them.
Often, it also causes all of the other dogs in the neighborhood to join her.
After four years of discouraging this behavior, it’s better. But I never expect to eliminate it, just minimize it.
All of this is to say, I get how annoying and disruptive it can be when your Dachshund is constantly barking at everything.
But I also, I’ve been able to reduce the amount my Dachshunds bark so I have some proven tips to share with you in this article.
Why Do Dachshunds Bark?
Barking is an innate behavior in all dogs. It’s one of the primary ways they communicate.
But in the case of the Dachshund dog breed, it’s related to their origin as hunting dogs too.
Dachshunds were originally bred for hunting small game such as badgers and foxes.
A Dachshund would run through the woods ahead of the hunter, find an animal or their burrow, and bark to communicate their location to the hunter.
Even though many Dachshunds are now kept as companion animals, this instinctual behavior may still be strong in some dogs,
Why is My Pet Dachshund to Barking All the Time?
Although Dachshunds are still occasionally used for hunting, the chances are that your Dachshund is a companion and beloved family member (not that a hunting Dachshund can’t also be those things).
A bark every once in a while is completely normal, but excessive barking can become a problem for modern-day Dachshund owners.
There are a number of different reasons that your Dachshund might start barking, and it’s important to pay attention to the source of the issue.
Common causes of excessive barking include:
- Boredom
A dog that doesn’t get enough physical exercise, or mental stimulation, will become restless, frustrated, or simply because they have nothing better to do.
- Excitement
Your Dachshund may have seen something that stimulated their curiosity, or caused their hunting instinct to kick in, so they bark at it.
Alerting you to potential danger (as perceived by your Dachshund): This could be a guest, a stranger walking by the house, leaves blowing, or as one reader put it, a “squirrel farting down the road”.
- Separation Anxiety
If your Dachshund is not used to being left alone – separated from you – they may become anxious when you leave and bark excessively or howl.
- Reactivity
A Dachshund that barks and lunges at other dogs and people when out for a walk or away from the house is said to be “reactive”. Although this behavior stems out of fear, others can perceive it as your Dachshund being aggressive.
- Attention Seeking
Dachshunds are very social creatures, and they need human interaction on a regular basis. Neglect can lead to excessive barking, which we tend to reinforce with attention.
Although there can be other reasons your Dachshund may bark, these are the most typical causes.
How to Stop Your Dachshund from Barking
The first step to reducing your Dachshund’s barking is to take note of when it’s happening and what they’re barking at.
You need to identify the root of the problem before you can decide how you want to proceed.
There are different techniques to deter barking depending on what is triggering your Dachshund.
Teach Them the Quiet Command
The number one key to getting your dog to stop barking, if you can do it, is teach them a “quiet” or “no bark” command.
As long as your Dachshund is mindful of you, it should be easy to teach your dog the quiet command.
Provide Your Dachshund with More Mental and Physical Exercise
Maybe your Dachshund is running around the house making a racket, or maybe they jump up and down while barking.
A dog with pent up energy needs to release it somehow, and barking is one way to do that.
If you notice that your Dachshund is barking excessively because they seem restless, then your dog probably needs more exercise.
Dachshunds require at least a twenty to thirty minute walk every single day as well as plenty of toys to play with at home.
Read more:
How Many Times a Week Should I Walk My Dachshund?
How Far Should I Walk My Dachshund?
Even though walks are a good way to bond and exercise, mental exercise, or stimulation, is also important.
If your Dachshund isn’t bored, and is a little tired, they are much less likely to bark for no reason.
Teach the Place Command
The place command teaches your Dachshund to sit in a specific place, usually on a mat or bed, and relax (I call it “go to your mat” with Summit).
This can help with barking at the Mailman and Other “Intruders”.
Dachshunds are territorial creatures, and some will start barking when they see a stranger or another animal in their yard.
When this happens, resist the urge to yell at them to shut up and instead give them the place command.
If your Dachshund truly understands the command means to stay here and relax, redirecting them to their place can be distracting enough to stop them from barking.
Plus, you will reward them for following your command and it’s hard to eat treats and bark at the same time.
You can also train your dog to sit and stay quiet as strangers such as the mailman approach the front door.
It helps to use treats as bribes, but only give your dachshund a treat if she refrains from barking entirely.
Use the Look at That Exercise
The look at that exercise, in short, involves pointing to a trigger – something that usually causes your Dachshund to bark – and then asking them to look back at you.
The goal is to get your dog to take note of the “threat” and look back at you without reacting to it or barking.
This way your dog starts to learn that 1) it’s nothing to be afraid of and 2) you get a reward if you ignore it.
Your dog won’t become desensitized to passing strangers immediately, but over time you can train him or her to associate a passerby with a belly full of treats instead of feeling threatened.
Take the Fun Away
My miniature Dachshund Summit has a barking problem. She’s always on high alert.

She loves to lay in the yard and bark into the wind, she sometimes barks at things on tv, and she is very alert and often barks at any tiny noise in the house.
I remove the trigger, or take the fun away, in hopes of curbing the behavior.
If she is barking outside, I make her come inside, thus taking away the fun of hanging out in the yard (something she loves).
If she barks at something on TV, I calmly tell her no, or give her the leave it command, a couple times.
If she still barks, the TV goes off or I change the channel.
This removes the trigger that is causing her to bark and shows that she doesn’t get to watch TV (something else she loves) if she can’t sit quietly.
Address the Separation Anxiety
Keep in mind that that Dachshund are prone to separation anxiety, so that is likely the cause of your dogs barking when you are not home.
Most of us have jobs to get to, but not a lot of us can bring our dogs with us, so you will have to find a way to address the separation anxiety if you suspect your Dachshund has it.
One way to help your dog overcome her separation anxiety is to set up a rigid schedule for the two of you. \Wake up at the same time, do feedings and walks at the same time, and come home from work at the same time each day.
Your Dachshund will learn when she can expect to see you, which can be a big load off their mind.
If your work has you out at all hours of the day and night, then a dog sitting service or a doggie daycare would be ideal for your Dachshund.
That way your dog can socialize with people and other dogs instead of sitting alone in an empty house.
For more on this, check out my article about separation anxiety training.
Use a Dachshund Bark Collar
A dog bark collar is a device that is specifically designed to discourage a dog from barking excessively.
It typically works by emitting a loud noise or a mild electric shock when the dog barks, although some have a vibration mode or spray a deterrent like citronella, when a dog barks.
If you are not aware, using a bark collar on a dog is a very controversial topic.
Explaining the reason or argument would take a long time but, suffice it to say, if used improperly (which, my their nature, it’s almost impossible to use a bark collar “properly”) this type of punishment device can cause injury or make your dog fearful, thus increasing behavior issues.
With that being said, I’ve used one before on my first Dachshund. That’s what someone who knew more than me at the time told me to do.
Did it work? Yes. Would I use one again? Not if I can help it.
BUT, in situations where one might get evicted or have to surrender their Dachshund do the shelter due to barking if they can’t find a solution fast, I think trying a bark collar is ok as a last resort.
I would rather see an owner, and a Dachshund, stay in the home than be put in dire circumstances because bark collars are frowned upon by many.
It’s always best to start with the less aggressive technique, like a buzz or very low shock, before progressing to something harsher to see if that works first.
Final Thoughts
The Dachshund breed is known for their propensity to bark.
If you don’t want a dog that barks a lot, a Dachshund might not be the dog for you.
But even those of us that love the heck out of them, still need to keep them quiet at times.
A Dachshund that barks excessively can cause issues for owners ranging from annoyance to facing the risk of getting evicted or having to surrender their Dachshund to a rescue.
But the good news is, although it will be impossible to eliminate your Dachshunds barking (it shouldn’t be anyway because that is naturally how they communicate) there are some techniques you can try to reduce it.
Take note of when your Dachshund is barking, what they’re barking at, and try to identify the root cause.
Then try one, or several, of the techniques listed in this article based on the suspected cause or desired behavior.
One thing I have learned over the years is that yelling at my Dachshund to stop barking is not the proper way to address the issue or effective.
According to several dog trainers, when your dog barks and you yell at them, they think you are barking with them.
They think it is fun and keep on doing it.
Dachshunds can be enthusiastic barkers, and excessive barking can be difficult to put a stop to sometimes.
If you just can’t seem to get your dog to quiet down, you may want to consider seeing an obedience trainer or a dog behaviorist.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.
Excellent advice here. My experience with 15+ years of dog training has always been that excessive barking can easily be curbed by giving the dog (especially super smart dogs like dachshunds) a job to do. Finding the right job is the hard part but that often comes when you get out and about (exercise!) and find an appropriate training school. Wilhelm is very happily set in his pack job ways so the excessive barker in our house is the too-active-of-a-mind corgi and the guard collie can get loud sometimes too. I am still working on helping the herding dogs find a job that is quieter but I am so proud of my hushed, hard working little doxie.
my dogs loves having something to do, but the minute i leave he does not care for any toy and will just sit and wait for me. I feel so bad, he doesn’t destroy anything but he’s also not relaxed and happy.
We had a hard time finding an apartment in London (UK) that would allow dogs, and our workplace would not allow Archie to come with us- this was his first experience at being left alone all day. The first time we
Left him he barked a lot, the neighbors complained to the manager, and we got a stern warning that if he did it even one more time, we would be kicked out and lose our hefty deposit.
Our vet recommend a citronella collar, and in desperation we tried it – puts out a puff of citronella at each bark. The first day when we came home the whole apartment stank – doxies are stubborn animals as you know so well. He tried barking five or six times before he was convinced he could not get away with it. After a week with the collar we did not need it any more. Archie learned that barking did not bring a reward like yelling, a walk, attention or relief from boredom. Now he knows that if he barks he has to leave my office and get locked in the car . He also noes that while walking, barking will scare away all the squirrels and rabbits. He only uses his special baying bark while on the chase- otherwise he is very quiet.
we have two next door, and i must say we are animal lovers, but since our new neighbours moved in it has ruined our quality of life,
We cannot go in the garden , open a window or door without constant aggressive barking,
Never walked and left alone all day,
Perfect storm ,
Please consider others when owning these dogs,
Awwww…. poor pups. Have you tried talking to your neighbors? It could be that if they are not walking their dogs because they just don’t care about them that much (sad) or it could be that they just don’t know any better. Many people mistakenly believe that small dogs don’t need exercise. Nothing could be further from the truth, at least when it comes to Dachshunds. Maybe they don’t understand how much their dogs are disrupting your daily life? Anyway, I am sorry you are in this situation.
It is not the dogs fault that they have inattentive owners. Have you gone over and introduced yourself and had a conversation about your complaints? Most people try that first before discouraging people to “consider another breed.”
If it is so unbearable you can call the police.
I find it hard to believe that you like dogs. I had to search to find this page when my rescue dog turned into a permanent member of our family.
Go meet the neighbors and stop being such whiners. I bet you get annoyed if a leaf from their trees blows onto your yard. God forbid the neighbors decide to have children. Boy would that be annoying, all that happy laughter of kids playing.
Relax, be a good neighbor and find a hobby that gets you out of the house, and have a good day! ??
Hi Terri. Are you sure you left your comment on the right article? I didn’t see anything about calling the police or telling people “considering another breed”. What was suggested as a solution was talking to the neighbors, not calling police. Also, Greg said please “consider your neighbors when owning this breed”. He did not say, “OWN another breed”.
You are obviously very passionate about this issue but your comment seems a bit misguided and comes across as nasty.
Well said, Jessica!
Be kind to one another! ❤
Hopefully they won’t leave a child alone for 12 hours, leave it locked up, never walk it and keep it in a conservatory when its either freezing cold or boiling hot. Obviously not the brightest of people.
wow, that person, terry, is a bit nasty and read way too much into the other person’s comment, I love dogs and have two very nice quiet friends that live with me but my new neighbor who sits on the porch and just lets her two new dachshunds bark like mad at me trying to sit quietly in my back yard has ruined my quality of life also. And for the record, my older dog is terrified of a small barking dog so she starts darting all over the yard slamming into the house and fences trying to escape the noise so since Terry seems to think we are whiners maybe she could tell me if my poor 14 year old lab is a whiner also when the little dogs terrify her. She loves small dogs so it isn’t the size, it’s something about that high pitched barking that sends her into a state of panic and I have to agree with her that I am now sitting inside trying to figure out how to nicely have a talk with my neighbors so that I don’t make them feel unwelcomed yet explain to them that their dogs are driving me out of my home.
Hi Teresa. That sounds like a very frustrating situation. I’m sorry. I think having a conversation with your new neighbor is a good idea, albeit a bit of an uncomfortable one (at least to me). I hope they are receptive and it goes well. Also, perhaps their Dachshunds will settle down over time as they get more familiar with their new surroundings.
Ha! What a crock pot! My neighbors have six dachshunds that start barking the moment they exit the house and act as though they are in a barking contest, even when there is nothing to bark at. We live on a golf course with rod iron fence on the course side and in between the homes (HOA required). We’ve tried polite talking which resulted in them only coming out and saying to their dogs “really? Please don’t bother the neighbors, etc”. We’ve offered to buy training collars and were rejected. I’ve tried hanging and aiming outside dog house trainers which essentially did nothing. We live with this day and night because we see each other daily and have to get along or move. Calling police only creates bad relationships and we could end up fighting with both, the neighbors and their 6 dachshunds. If you think that is just whining, maybe you want to buy my home, move in and deal with it yourself. I’ll sell it to you for $350k, it’s got a pool and a great covered patio (which we don’t get to enjoy because of those little bastards dachshunds).
You made me laugh Steve, although I get this is a serious matter for you. The “act as though they are in a barking contest, even when there is nothing to bark at” is spot-on Dachshunds. And the offer to sell your house is hilarious. I’m sorry that your neighbors are not more sympathetic to your requests. I can see how you would feel very frustrated and a bit stuck. Barking excessively is indeed a Dachshund trait, and it’s almost uncontrollable when they are in a pack, but it sounds like they are not seriously trying. I know I can’t stop by Dachshunds from barking outside but they also know if they bark more than once or twice they have to come back inside so they don’t disrupt the neighbors. At this point, if they go nuts barking and I open the door, they actually put themselves back inside (run inside because they know that is what happens after barking). In regard to the pool at least, have to tried asking them to keep their dogs indoors during certain hours of the day so you can enjoy your pool time without getting a headache?
I own a dachshund ! I have had one for over 20 years! For my neighbors sake I stop my dog from barking because I’m a considerate person!!!
I know just how annoying it can be! They need to stop their dog or dogs from barking! It shouldn’t be a neighbors problem!
Very simple
It’s not whining it’s annoying!!
That SUCKS; I’m so sorry! I took in a little Dachshund and yes… I am working on training out that barking problem. I won’t tolerate others having to deal with my responsibility. Just know there are some people out there with one of these dogs who agrees with you: it’s not cute, and it needs to be controlled properly with consistent positive work so the dog is happy but understands what is a threat. Again, sorry about your ignorant neighbors.
😮 . Wow, consider others before purchasing these dogs. That comment didn’t land on me very well. I can sympathize with your side of it. But chances are the dogs are unhappier than you are. perhaps get some literature on dachshunds and put it in their mailbox or even go way out there and buy a dachshund book and put that in their mailbox to try to help them so the problem. From my experience of being a neighbor to a dachshund, if you can go to the fence and give him attention chin scratches or perhaps even a treat when you go out with the owner’s permission they’ll warm up to you quite nicely that really they’re only asking for you to come say hi to them. Maybe even a squeaky toy once in awhile again with the neighbor’s permission. The neighbors will think you like the dogs and are taking an interest in them they won’t get snarley with u, and the dogs we’ll stop looking at you as a intruder and start looking at you as their friend perhaps. Worth a try.
Buy a Daschund book? Are YOU crazy? Should we buy books for people who don’t know how to raise their own kids? I own a mini Dox and I’ve trained him with tons and tons of long, hard work. It is not anyone’s responsibility to do it for me. You are ridiculous.
People have their own lives, and don’t particularly enjoy buying squeaky toys for other people’s pets. Go to the fence and give him attention? We have lives and jobs and kids, not time to play with someone else’s pets. That’s very socialistic thinking. People should CARE about the noise their animals make and be accountable and responsible. End of story.
Maybe you could offer to take their doxies for an occasional walk during the day.
Yes, the little rascals do bark! Mine bark at noises (which I appreciate), but Sawyer will bark at me if he wants a pig ear chewie! Early in my dachshund days I read that dachshunds were bred to bark and if yours are barking then there is a reason. That helped me a lot! Great post, very helpful!
Kool is such a terrible barker. I love some of these suggestions, especially the one about setting a rigid schedule. I’ve been trying to do that, but I think I will focus more on it now.
My dog barks at the front doorbell and the tv. I never knew that there was so many dogs in ads! Is there anything that can be done for the tv situation?
I just found your blog in Facebook – and I like it! I’ve had dachshunds since 2002 – a whole string of them. Lost my first and favorite in the summer of 2014 when she was 3 weeks shy of 12 years old – broke my heart when she died. If I hadn’t had my others, I don’t know how I would have managed. Sugar was the love of my life, and no other has quite stacked up to her. I love them all, but she was the greatest.
Our seven doxies behave much better if we leave the TV on for them, with sound on at a reasonable level, when we are gone. They seem to feel as if there are people in the house with them, and while they can’t sit on laps, the voices, music, etc. keep them company and distract them from some outside noises. We can even enter the house while the TV is on, and they don’t start barking until the door slams, or when we enter the room where they are.
My breeder friend keeps radios going in her kennel and nursery whenever the dachshunds are in their sleeping crates, which prevents them from barking at coyotes and other noises outdoors. The radios, and our TV, provide “white noise” that the ear and brain register instead of other sounds. I’ve proven it with a radio on while I’m sleeping, to mask the sounds of traffic, roaring wind, or rodents chewing in the walls. My doxies sleep in my room and they sleep soundly with the radio on, less so without it.
One training aid is a “toss can,” which my friend learned to make years ago. Empty a pair of 16-oz. food cans of the same type, clean and dry them. Remove the labels. Put 10-15 pennies or nickels inside, then tape them together with duct or Gorilla tape. (Nickels make more noise than pennies do.) When your dog barks, shake the can loudly and firmly say “NO BARK!” If it barks again, repeat. If the dog is at a distance from you and won’t shut up, toss the can to land noisily near the dog and again, firmly say “NO BARK!”
It is helpful to have more than one toss can handy, stashed around the house in convenient locations for whenever the dog barks. This technique has helped cut down on my dogs’ barking because it’s a distracting noise, breaking their attention from whatever they’re barking at. It doesn’t sound anything like barking, as a human voice yelling at them does, so it startles them.
DO NOT LEAVE THE TOSS CAN WHERE THE DACHSHUND(S) CAN CHEW ON IT! Containing pennies, there is danger of the dog(s) opening the cans and ingesting the pennies, leading to zinc poisoning from the zinc inside the copper jackets. Always keep the can up where your dog(s) can’t get to it. For more information on things that can harm your dog(s), check out http://www.flickennel.com/101_things.html. There’s new stuff being posted all the time, so keep checking it.
Hi Becky. Glad you found my blog. I leave the radio on for Chester and Gretel for “white noise” purposes as you mentioned. I have a bit of a dilemma with the toss can or, as we have tried, the Stop Bark! air horn. Chester is single minded and as stubborn as a mule. Gretel, on the other hand, is a delicate flower. She picks up on every emotion and she gets scared very easy. Any loud deterrent we’ve used has traumatized her really bad. It’s not a solution when someone is coming in the house but I have found “redirection” to be the most effective in stopping their barking. If I can keep my wits about me, I clap a couple of times and call them over to play with a toy or get pets. That’s been the most effective for us so far.
Thank you for the tip! I’m trying to subdue the barking so I can keep the dog and not piss off the neighbors. I don’t yell, so I want positive reinforcement tactics and effective training tips that don’t freak out our little girl. Thanks again:)
Thanks for all the info on barking. We are at our wits end. Archie is a year old and such a lovely dog but he is such a Barker of an evening. He is the only dog I know that hates going for a walk; he just refuses to go far. So he has so much energy when we don’t.
We play for 30 mins but that is not enough.
We will try the pebbles in the can to see if that helps and get him into a routine for bed at night
Constant barking is frustrating 🙁 Too bad you couldn’t “train” Archie to walk longer. Have you considered training tricks or doing conditioning exercises in your living room? I’ve been doing strengthening exercises with my pup since her back injury and the mental concentration it takes really does put a dent in her energy level… albeit a small one. Ha, ha. Every little bit helps, right?
We have a similar problem with little Penny. She refuses to walk more than 3 houses down our street. Her fear builds as she get closer to the corner, just another two houses away. That’s the ways it been for her four years until this past May.
We got a 5 year old rescue chocolate mini, Charlie. It’s taken a few months of adjustment but they finally started playing with and chasing each other. The more comfortable they got around each other the farther she would walk. Charlie would easily walk a mile at at steady pace. Penny, our reluctant mini is now walking to the corner and beyond with ease.
As for barking…well Penny was a calm girl before we got Charlie. Together they can get quite loud. We’re trying several methods.
Great to hear.
We solved the barking at night within minuses using the pebbles in a bottle. 2 shakes was enough
Now if he sees the bottle he calms instantly.
The main problem is he is young and I am old so at 6pm he has lots of energy and after work and dinner I don’t.
He is a lovely dog but just does not like going for a walk. He prefers we play in the house or the garden which we do for 30 mons or so. He doesn’t get fetch ????. We wondered if getting a rescue dog would be good for him. The worry would be if he doesn’t take to the new one so interesting to see your comments.
The main problem is he chews and chews. Blankets mostly as we had to stop giving him. I have read this is a calming effect.
Other than that he is typical dachshund and is a barker in the garden. Seems very common with this breed
He has a great nature and he is loved dearly.
Have you seen the Kong puzzle toys? It looks like a flower with holes in each “petal” and one in the center. I know treats aren’t ideal for this but I’ve actually put Katie’s food in it …makes her work for it and keeps her busy. But baby carrots cut up small enough to fit in the holes but not where they fall out easy, better are green beans. You can bend them. Then stick the whole thing in the freezer. I give Katie a tiny amount of coconut oil so just dipping a couple of the green beans in that then freezing it also keeps them busy. There are a lot of other choices in the Kong puzzle line but for the love of all that is holy don’t get the ball unless you’re going to do it outside or watch them inside….Dachsies tenacity ended up with a leather ottoman shredded because the ball became stuck underneath it.
My dachsie doesn’t and has never chased or fetched balls but she’s loves to “kill”those animals that don’t have their stuffing if that makes sense. They have a squeaker in each end, there are some very durable brands. There are some stuffed small hedgehogs, rabbits, ducks with a squeaker she likes to “kill” as well if you haven’t already tried everything.
Good luck! We are rooting for you!
That’s great to hear that Charlie has encouraged Penny to walk (and probably gave her more confidence). My Chester definitely started barking more when we got a second dog. It’s like he felt he now needed to protect, or alert, her. They feed off each other now. I’ve tried a lot of things but clapping my hands and calmly bur firmly saying “That’s enough” seems to be most effective with them.
My dog is 2 I sympathise with you mine will also not walk but run after a ball for hours if I throw the ball I am at my wits end if you find a solution PLEASE publish it.
My 10 month old dachshund just loves to bark when out and about. She gets approx 2 hours walks a day and spends avgreatceeal barking! Barks at Fifa she doesn’t know and often just at the air and life in general. It’s driving me potty! I have tried to give her a tug, put her back on lead, say thank you calmly, say it severely, turn my back to her…..nothing works:( any suggestions welcome!
I know how frustrating that is. I walk with my Dachshunds on lead but they will still bark and lunge at other dogs if we get close. Honestly, I have avoided most of the problems by crossing the street when we see another dog or making sure that we walk at least 4 or 5 feet away from the other dog (that is their “threshhold” – they are fine if they are 5 or more feet from another dog but tend to bark of they get closer). I know my dogs and know they react that way for two different reasons. Chester gets super excited around other dogs and wants them to pay attention to him. His barking is usually to shout “hello. I am here. Pay attention to me. I want to say hi”. Gretel, on the other hand, does it because she is fearful of other dogs. Her bark says “I’m scared. Stay away from me!”. Knowing WHY your dog does it will help you understand what to do about it. In the meantime, crossing the street or giving a lot of space should help. If your dog is doing it because she is overly excited, there isn’t much you can do about it except maybe teach them impulse control in a dog training class. If she is doing it out of fear, there are dog training classes and information online about how to help a fearful or anxious dog. Most techniques are a combination of conditioning/desensitizing them and teaching them to be more comfortable around strange dogs. I hope that helps. Good luck.
This has been an interesting read and it’s nice to know we’re not alone with this problem! Our Walter is 4 months old and has taken to barking for attention. We ignore him or leave the room but he doesn’t seem to learn that barking results in something bad. Plus he has terrible separation anxiety so leaving the room then causes separation upset and distress, along with more barking!
I am sure I am feeding him the correct amount including treats but he has become very greedy and barks when we are eating. I shut him in his pen, give him a toy and something like a kong to keep him occupied but it doesn’t last for long. He’s soon barking at us to come out and it is piercing. He also barks at our feet for attention if we sit down – he is allowed on the sofa when he is calm so that barking probably stems from that, but I’m not sure how to teach him that he has to be invited up and can’t ask for it all of the time. I started to get him to sit and wait, then reward him for being quiet but he quickly learnt to bark for the treat! As a tiny pup he used to lay quietly on the floor whilst we were eating so I’m not sure where he has learnt this behaviour from. I guess he just barks for attention and to be with us. He gets plenty of interactive play time, training and exercise each day.
We were thinking about shutting him in his crate in another room whilst we eat but as his separation anxiety is so bad, he just gets distressed and soils his crate, so I’m reluctant to allow him to get into that state. It also means constant barking and crying and I’m sure before too long we’ll have the neighbours knocking on the door.
I will try the pebbles in a bottle / pennies in a can I think and see how that goes…wish me luck!
That cetainly does sound like a challenge. Have you tried consulting with a dog behaviorist? They might be able to see why he is doing it and give you some good, specific-to-him tips for helping curb his behavior. I do hole you find sonething that works. Good luck!
i have 2 minis , one is 31/2and she is a female. the second is her son and he is a un neutered male who is almost 2. his continuial barking is driving me crazy. he especially barks at my husband and any other person who enters the house, ive noticed if a female person stays in the house he eventually stops his barking but if the person is a male he will continue to bark. every time my son comes into the room where i am with the dog , he starts vicously barking again. i just dont know what to do with him. he gets tons of attention all day long. i dont work so hes not home alone unless i have errands to do.please help me.
I know how frustrating that can be. Honestly, it sounds like he’s resource guarding you and especially sees males as a threat. Sometimes giving a dog too much attention and being with them all of the time can cause this. They need to learn to be confident and independent on their own. I have to watch with this with Gretel because she is very attached to me and I work from home. I sometimes purposely leave her alone in the house so she is used to me not being there. I’ve also taken her to a training class and agility (not all the time but just for a few weeks at a time) to build her confidence. I’m not saying you did anything wrong, or that 100% is the reason, but that’s usually the issue in my experience. If you search online you will find plenty of resources about resource guarding and anxiety in dogs. I’t also a huge help to have a trainer or animal behaviorist come to your house for one or two visits. They will be able to tell why your dog is doing this (you need to know the cause to properly deal with it) and give you some tips and tools for handling situations when your dog gets upset. Good luck to you guys.
I know this message from me is a little old but i just have to say ur situation sounds identical to mine. I have a mother and son and the son does everything u mentioned. Its uncanny. He barks at my sins and husband everytime the come in the riom. He also barks off and on to any man that is in my house but calms down for women. I dont work either and both dogs get my attention all day long. They arent neglected, even for a minute. I have used the penny in the can trick and it really works. I need to do it everytime they bark and i havent been doing that. Im going to work on that. Just wanted u to know ur not alone in this amazing journey of weiners.
I recently got a new dachshund puppy, Willy, a long-haired Red Standard. I lost my Rudy, a long-haired black and tan Tweenie, 3 years ago. Willy is already exhibiting the “Bark for attention or anything else I might want” syndrome and it feels worse than Rudy’s was. I didn’t think there could ever be another dachs that barked more than Rudy but I have a secret weapon lying in wait.
When I brought Rudy home at 7 wks, the barking started almost immediately. An elderly neighbor lady threatened to call the pound if I didn’t get it under control. I yelled at him and it got worse. Finally I read about the Citronella collar – yay! I ordered one. Typical Doxie — he barked, it sprayed, he shook it off, and kept barking – until it broke. I got another, he broke it in a couple of days, so I got one more. No luck.
Tried the pennies, even reluctantly tried a shock collar — didn’t help and I didn’t have the heart.
It was quickly becoming a serious problem with the neighbor lady constantly harassing me. And then I got an idea…
I had seen a dog with a muzzle on one day, this was not that common back then — 20 years ago. I thought about whether it may or may not work. It seemed cruel to me — a little — but then again… the shock collar and even the consideration of removing the vocal cords… OK, maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
I went to the prt store and got a little red cloth muzzle. Whenever he barked, I gave him a command — “No Barking” — and naturally he ignored me. I put on the muzzle and gave the conmmand firmly a few more times. Needless to say, he hated the muzzle and at first barked through it. Muzzled, yes, but still a bark. I ignored him, it was a little quite and easier to ignore and I think his jaws got tired because after about 15 minutes he would stop and I’d remove the muzzle. If he started to bark again I put it right back on.
It wasn’t long before all I had to do was hold the muzzle in front of him and he’d lay down and moan. Eventually I only had say “Muzzle” to get him to stop . It was a freaking miracle!
I still have the little muzzle and am giving Willy another week or 2 to see whether I need to utilize that method. I am somewhat reassured knowing I have that tool as backup. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the tip Lyn. I sure hope someone reads your comment and it helps them. It’s very frustrating when your dog is always barking, especially for attention. Chester does it now sometimes in his old age. I think it’s because he gets more impatient now and has less manners 😉 It’s a sharp bark like “Hey, jerk, do this thing NOW.”. Ha, ha.I never used a muzzle but I wasn’t beyond “squeezing his beak” if he needed it. I would place my fingers firmly but gently around his muzzle and give a slight squeeze (like you might squeeze your friend’s or husband’s hand). It was a deterrent because he didn’t like it. He started listing to me more when I said stop barking. More recently, what I’ve found to be helpful, is to clap my hands a few times and calmly but sternly say, “that’s enough.” I then redirect the dogs to something else. Sounds like you tried something similar with the pennies though. Anyway, good luck with Willy. I’m sure he “wants” to be a good dog. He just needs to know how 🙂
Peanut is 16 and for the first few years she was holy terror, we had complaints from neighbors ect… Then my grandmother gave me a Maltese for my birthday, and the problem got a thousand times worse. I was a stay at home mom, so they weren’t lonely and we often hiked up to 5 miles a day. You would think with all the exercise and attention they would be worn out, or at least content, but a squirrel could fart a block away and they were at it for at least twenty minutes. To make matters worse, Maltese are VERY SENSITIVE to loud noises (unless coming from her) ironic. Penny can was out of the question. The simple solution was so easy and effective I really felt dumb for not thinking of it YEARS SOONER. Are you ready for it? It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! A SIMPLE SPRAY WATER BOTTLE PURCHASED FORM DOLLAR STORE. It was immediat. One spray and they were so surprised that I could “reach out and touch them” from across the room, that they forgot what they were barking at. By the end of the day all I had to do was look at the bottle and they knew I meant business. The Maltese would instantly stop and lay down. Peanut on the other hand, had to get very wet a few times, but I understood that she was stubborn, and simply didn’t want to give up her alpha role. She had owned us up until then, now the tables had turned. One last piece of advice…. NEVER LEAVE YOUR HOUSE WITH THAT BOTTLE SOMEWHERE THEY CAN GEY IT. my dox would climb up to the moon if she could, (something about feeling tall I would guess.) I went to the grocery store and left the water bottle on the kitchen table, when I got home there was a water puddle in the kitchen, and about a thousand tiny pieces of water bottle EVERYWHERE. Peanut made sure that I knew exactly what she thought of the new arrangement!!! We promptly bought a metal bottle, and made sure to put it up when we left. PROBLEM SOLVED
“Squirrel could fart”. Ha, ha, ha 🙂 I do know many people who have successfully employed the water bottle technique. Like the pennies in a can, it’s considered an “adversive” or “punishment-based” training method so some trainers will tell you not to do it but, in my experience, it does work for sure.
“a squirrel could fart a block away and they were at it for at least twenty minutes” Hahaha. =D
We are considering adding a Dachshund to our home and so are researching to see if we’d be a good fit. Thanks for all the insights and comments here. It’s really helpful.
If only it were a joke. Ha, ha. Seriously though, I trained mine to not be excessive barkers from an early age. Oh…. they still bark a lot but only like once every 5 squirrel fart.
Once most people own a Dachshund, they are in love with the breed for life. They aren’t for everyone though. I’m happy to see you’re doing your research first. If you haven’t read it, definitely check out my article “21 things everyone should know about Dachshunds“
My daschund Scooby only barks and whines when I’m gone and it doesn’t matter how long I’m gone from my house and when I come back from wherever he’s all over me and acts like he hasn’t seen me in awhile and he follows me everywhere what do I do to stop this?
Hi Mike. Greeting you like that when you return is just typical dog behavior. The barking and whining while you are gone is likely due to separation anxiety. It’s very common in Dachshunds. If you Google that term, you will come up with many articles on how to address it. Here is an example: https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/11_7/features/Canine-Separation-Anxiety_16044-1.html Good luck.
And Scooby’s only 1 1/2 years old
So I have a love/hate relationship with the barking. Katie loves to sunbathe in the driveway, she won’t leave the yard or run after anyone & I can walk around the house. When I hear her barking incessantly I used to get so frustrated / ticked off until I realized there was someone coming toward the house or walking nearby whom she didn’t know. As soon as I come out front and see her and pretty much let her know “ok, gotcha, I see them” she lays right back down. The flip side is she will be out going potty and will go bat crap crazy if she sees anyone she knows or anyone biking by, walking by. She doesn’t run after them, she just will not shut up. Water bottle, failed. Clicker with reward , bribing (because it was 6:30 am & I don’t want my neighbors hating us), physical correction (holding the mouth like you did Jessica) and she’s insane. When anyone comes over she will bark at the same volume, if she likes them she is barking because she wants them to pet her. Who the heck wants to go near a dog barking like that despite her tail wagging?
I’ ll try this can thing…I’m actually drinking a diet ginger ale right now to get the can. But the muzzle idea….do heart eyeball emoticons show up here?
Say a prayer for my sanity. I’d get another dacshie if the vet bills weren’t so insane.
I hope that something works to quiet your Katie down for the times that she won’t. I’m lucky that Gretel stops when I ask her. Mostly. It’ is really annoying when she won’t stop or continues to growl under her breath.
As for the expense of owning a Dachshund, any breed of dog can rack up medical bills. I have friends who have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on their dog over their lifetime. Like people, some dogs are just prone to medical issues to matter how “careful” you are and some don’t get sick even if they have bad nutritional and fitness habits. However, the one thing that most other dogs don’t deal with is the potential for IVDD and back issues. And that can sure be expensive at $3-$10 treatment per incident. I recommend pet health insurance for any dog. I’ll never go without it. It’s saved me so many times with Chester and Gretel. I’ve recouped all of the money I paid for years in premiums. I’d just make sure I get insurance that covers genetic predispositions like IVDD. I understand that some people can’t afford the insurance though.
I didn’t want to put multiple issues in one comment.
My dacshie is a senior now and as you know loving the food. Due to her not so awesome social skills toward other people and I never even bothered to mention how she reacts to other dogs because I figured that went without saying but she’s a flipping nut job. I also didn’t mention that her eyesight stinks but her hearing is amazing so if I take her for walks late at night and she just hears stuff that sounds like it might be someone then she’s nutty. All offensive to the ears and sanity.
My dilemma is despite feeding her her a strict diet without exercise is catching up to her, but I’ve got to do something. She hates the water, hates people, hates other dogs, loves food, sleeping. Pooping gets her very excited, the pep in her step after that is the excitement of the day. It seems my only option is to look into a few sessions with a professional?
And how in the heck does anyone pay for dental cleaning? They told me I have to do it with anesthesia this time because she had some loose teeth….I’m rambling. Thank you all.
Honestly, a trainer might help but I’m not sure what you can do about her behavior now that she is old. Especially because she’s losing her sight. That ads a whole other element to this issue. Reacting the way she is when she is losing her sight is not abnormal. My hope is that a trainer might be able to help in some way though. You could call around to a few and explain her situation.
As for maintaining a proper weight, as you probably know, there are only two ways to do that. Control the type and volume of food or increase the exercise. I’m not sure what you mean by “strict diet” but if she’s still gaining weight then you need to reduce the volume (if you feel like it’s already low, I would consult with your vet first). Exercising a senior dog can be challenging enough because they are slowing down physically and probably starting to have some joint pain. Add to that all the things you listed and it seems near impossible. I might look into doggy gym exercises you can do with her in the house. Unfortunately, training and enticing a dog to do the exercises usually involves treats, which may not help, or even hurt, your issue. I would definitely reexamine her food first, maybe switching to something lower calorie or, like I said, reducing the volume.
As for the teeth thing, unfortunately, it can be costly. I wrote a blog post about the cost and people from all over the country chimed in on the cost in their area. One cleaning under anesthesia, especially with tooth extractions, can cost $500 – $1,500. Some people keep an ongoing savings account for their dog’s medical expenses. Some apply for Care Credit. Some veterinarians will take a payment plan for the treatment. I would also ask around in your area to see if you can find a low-cost clinic or some kind of assistance program if you need.
my dog barks the most when he hears a noise and was sleeping, he barks but i wouldn’t say it’s awful.
i take him to work tues-thursday and he stays at home mondays and fridays, even though there are people in and out of the house, he is kept in the room, with the door open and yet he’ll sit and bark, and howl. he will stop they say but the he’ll start back up again. he doesn’t destroy things or anything like that. the barking isn’t an issue because we dont’ live in an apt. i just hate that he’s not happy and relaxed, sleeping or playing with toys. I don’t know what to do!
Daisy, I can’t say exactly why your pup does that but it sounds like he misses you. Sure, there are people in and out of the house but it’s not YOU. I would guess the reason is separation anxiety chewing is common with that and he doesn’t do it. I would look it up anyway though. You could also consult with an animal behaviorist to see if they can get to the bottom of it. Good luck.
Thanks for all the info on barking.
I’m looking after Noodle (11 months, a mini) while my daughter (who owns him, or who he owns, more accurately!) starts a new job. He stayed with me when he was about 3 months old and was quite happy to be in the kitchen at night with his bed in an open crate. Now it is a different story – he has got used to being with my daughter, beside (or in) her bed so obviously misses that close contact. He barks when the kitchen door is shut and continues to bark, sometimes for up to half an hour and then again from about 5.00 in the morning; it does vary and some nights he doesn’t bark at all. We have another dog, who is 12, and she does sleep upstairs but not in the bedrooms, on her own bed. Should I let Noodle upstairs with his bed next to Fizz’s; she tolerates him but I had wanted to make her feel that she is still top dog in her own house? I don’t want to distress Noodle but do not want him in my bedroom! I have had a citronella collar recommended but am worried that this will add to his basic anxiety. Any advice gratefully received, I will definitely be looking after him till Christmas so need to get some sleep, earplugs are not enough!
Dachshunds are very social dogs. It must be a very stressful experience for Noodle to go from being a constant companion to being shut in a room alone. I understand your concern with your other dog. I would let them have as much time together as possible with supervision so you can get a good sense whether there might be any issues between them or not. If all seems well then, yes, I would let them sleep together (or at least be in the same room). You can also look into giving Noddle natural sleep/calming aids at bedtime like melatonin, VetriScience Composure or CBD dog treats. Good luck!
I’ve been reading these comments. We got our Coco in 2003. She passed away in October. We will be getting another puppy in, about 6 weeks. I am beginning to remember how we solved things. Barking at someone who comes to the door. Someone, once, told me to have a small spray bottle with water in it. When she barks squirt her. My husband was against it, said we would have a wet mess. Adjusted to a stream. She did not like the water. It did not take long until all she had to do is see me holding the bottle. She never barked much when we left her. The first several years we created her in a plastic crate, which was also her “safe place” when visiting kids got to be too much for her. She did cry though. When she was 4 years old we moved I to a new house. We left her one day. She scratched the paint off the door and trim on 2 doors.
She, often cried when we left the house. I started leaving the radio on. Her last year her visi[n and hearing were going. She rarely heard us leave or come in.
We will be getting a doxie puppy in a few weeks. She is our second. There are things I will do with her that I didn’t do with Coco. One is continuing ue with training pads. Coco never used them. The last year of her life she was incontinent. She did not know what they were for. Tried doggie diapers. She faught tooth and nail when we tried to put them on. My husband was afraid she would have a heart attack. Definitely have more info and experience now
Hi Pat. How we forget how much “trouble” your dogs were when they were younger, huh? I’ve used the water bottle trick before. That was a long time ago though before I learned that punishment and fear is not the best way to train a dog. Sure, they stop barking but they do it because they are afraid, not because they’ve learned to be calm or want to please you. The latter type of training definitely takes more dedication and can take longer though. I’m not saying I would never do it again because it does work.