The Easiest Way to Attach Dog Tags to a Collar or Harness

You probably landed on this article because you are a new dog owner and are wondering how to attach a dog tag to a collar or you are wondering if there is an easier way to do it.

Typically, a dog tag will come with what is called a “jump ring”.

I’m not sure how these got this name but what they are is a metal ring with several coils of wire close to each other.

Think of them as a few coils of a spring compressed so that each coil fits tightly against the other.

This is what you use to attach your dog’s tags to their collar or harness.

Phot Credit: Depositphotos/antmos

UPDATED: January 17, 2023

How Dog Tags are Traditionally Attached to a Collar or Harness

To attach your dog’s tags to a collar or harness, you must use your fingernail to pry apart the outer ring of the coil (at the cut end) and slip that gap over the metal ring, or D-ring, on your dog’s collar or harness.

This is most easily done when your dog is not wearing the collar or harness so it’s easier to see and you can pull at the ring at all angles if needed.

Once the gap between the outer and inner rings has been fit over the metal ring on the collar or harness, you need to spin it in the direction opposite of the cut end.

This works the metal loop on the collar “further down” the coil until it pops into the center of the jump ring.

The multiple coils of wire on the ring are necessary to reinforce it’s strength so that it doesn’t come undone if your dog’s tags accidentally snag on something.

However, the extra strength can make it difficult to execute this procedure, especially if you have big fingers or the ring is really small.

If the ring is too small, and the metal ring on your dog’s collar or harness is thick, you might not even be able to get the jump ring around it.

So how do you get the tags onto the collar or harness in that scenario?

Why Use An Alternate Technique for Attaching Your Dog’s Tags?

If the jump ring won’t fit around the metal ring on your dog’s harness or collar because it’s too thick, you will need a different way to attach the tags.

Now, while one solution is to get a larger jump ring, attach the tags to that, and then put it on your dog’s collar, that is a hassle.

It also doesn’t help if your dog has multiple harnesses in different styles like mine and you need to be able to easily move the dog tags from one harness to another.

You may also want an easy way to quickly remove your dog’s tags at night so you don’t hear the jangle if they are wandering around.

So what is a different, easier way to attach your dog’s tags?

Use a Pet Tag Quick Clip Instead

Unattaching your dog’s tags from their collar or harness does not have to be a pain.

I no longer use the jump ring to attach my dog’s tags directly to their collar or harness because it would be frustrating and difficult to do so.

Instead, I use a pet tag clip accessory that I first attach the dog tags too.

These clip accessory is basically a mini carabiner that securely clips to the D ring on your dog’s collar, harness or whatever, after you’ve attached your dog’s tags.

You can open the clip and unhook it when you want to move them. I also take their tags off sometimes so Chester and Gretel don’t clang around the house.

Now, doing this does entail the jump ring/coil procedure above but it’s typically easier because the tags attach to a jump ring already attached to the clip accessory.

Once the dog tags are attached to this clip accessory, all you have to do is clip it onto the metal ring on your dog’s collar. Easy, peasy!

Then when you need to move the tags to a different collar, or remove them at night, simply unclip them.

One note I do want to make before I suggest some pet ID quick clips is that the clip does add extra length between the collar and the bottom of the tags so they hang down lower.

This can be an issue with short dogs because, if they hang down too far, the tags could annoyingly bang your dog’s legs or drag on the ground.

Therefore, the dog tag clips I’m suggesting will have a note by them if I am sure they will be small enough for use on a miniature Dachshund (because I’ve tested them – will be noted as Dachshund approved).

If I do not note specifically that they will work for a Dachshund, it doesn’t mean they won’t. It just means they might not. I haven’t tested them.

Below are the dog tag clips I suggest:

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Rubit tag clip

My favorite dog tag clip, and the one I’ve primarily used since 2011, is the Rubit Curve Aluminum Dog Tag Clip.

The Rubit is a small carabiner-style clip with a jump ring atached.

When attaching your dog’s tags to the Rubit, it’s best to attach your dog’s tags directly to the jump ring on the Rubit or to remove that jump ring and replace it with the one already attached to your dog’s tags.

Another reason to do it that way is because if you attach the existing tag jump ring to the Rubit jump ring, the ID tags will face sideways instead of to the front.

These come in different sizes. The small Rubit clip is Dachshund approved but there is also a medium and large size for bigger dogs.

Note: The Rubit comes in different colors but beware that the colored coating will eventually wear off and the hook will be the silver aluminum color.

Kurgo Wander clip

This is the type of dog tag clip I use if I don’t use a Rubit.

The Wander clip is just the carabiner part without it’s own jump ring.

With this one, you would attached the jump ring already on your dog’s tags directly to the Wander clip.

The regular Wander clip size is Dachshund approved, although it is a little longer in length than the small Rubit clip.

There is also a “burly” size for larger dogs.

GoTags pet ID clip

The GoTags pet ID clip is very small and not suitable for larger dogs.

Although I have not tried it, looking at the measurements as compared to the other two clips, it’s about the same size as the small Rubit clip (the clip itself without the included jump ring) so it should work for Dachshunds.

Although the product photos show one being able to slide the clip directly through the hole on a pet tag, I don’t know if I believe that.

While it may be possible, it’s likely that you would have to slide the jump ring attached to your pet’s tags over the hook.

I will say with this clip style, I am a little more wary of the security.

The other two I suggested above have a separate areas where you attach the tags (ad dedicated loop) and where the clip that attaches to the collar is.

The GoTags clip is merely one big clip ring.

It’s a viable option though if you want a different style than the two above.

Final Thoughts

My dogs have different harnesses for different uses, and they have multiples of each since I have to wash them frequently, so easily being able to attached and detach my pet’s tags is important to me.

I love pet id tag clips. I don’t know how we lived without them before.

The Rubit is my go-to tag clip but I also like the Kurgo Wander ID tag clip.

If you’re looking for an alternative way to attach your dog’s tags to their collar, I highly suggest trying a pet tag clip.

If you attach your dog's tags to their collar or harness the traditional way, they will be difficult to detach and move. If you ever need to switch your dog's tag to a different collar, or want to quickly remove the tags so they don't jangle around at night, this article is for you.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.


  1. Great review Jessica,

    I noticed these clips the other day when you were talking about the ID tags…..

    They’re different to my clip, Mum had a lot of problems getting one that wouldn’t open by accident for me a few months ago and my current one has been good, but it’s good to see these for when I need a new one! πŸ™‚

    Have a fun weekend,

    Your pal Snoopy πŸ™‚

    1. I know we don’t have any problems with the small ones accidentally opening up. It’s hard for us to get them open when we want to πŸ™‚ Our size hasn’t let us try out the big ones though. What kind of clip do you have?

  2. Thanks Jessica for the mention and your review on the Rubit Clip is great! The small ones are perfect for Chester and Gretel – on larger dog collars with the huge links they have, the split ring is almost impossible to get on and once there stays there and the clip saves a lot of broken fingernails!:)

  3. That’s a great idea. I’ve seen those clips other places. I love Chesters stylish tag BTW. Did you get your yummy chocolate yet?

  4. I wonder if they would catch a lot when the dogs are running through brush? We use heavy S hook fasteners. They seem to be the only think that hasn’t pulled off in the brush. Of course that means that they have several tags on each collar. It would be nice not to need so many tags. πŸ™‚

    1. That’s a good point and I don’t really know. I don’t think the manufacturer had in mind that the dogs wearing them would be running through thick brush. The gate, at least on the small one, is a wire loop. It seess to me that could allow sticks to jam into the loop part and cause it to open. Only you know what the chances of that are though πŸ™‚ If I were you, I might try to get a locking carabiner. I have seen pretty small ones for key chains. The risk with that though is that they get caught and can’t get unstuck. It sucks to have to many tags and be loosing them all the time but maybe a “breakaway” feature would be nice.

  5. These are cool, they’d be great for my taller siblings. I couldn’t have my rabies or microchip tag on this, they’d drag on the ground. Sometimes being tiny is a pain!
    Dachshund Nola

  6. Hi Y’all,

    My Human was interested in the same thing as 2browndawgs…running through brush. The solution so far has been to keep tags on a single leather collar which is always worn when we leave the house or yard. If we need a training collar, I wear two collars.

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks Christine! I apologize but it will take me a bit to post about this due to the crazy holidays πŸ™‚

  7. I’m a bit belated in replying to this, but I think this system looks very useful for people (like yourself) who switch between collars and so forth. Just a thought: If you got a smaller metal ring/loop then the tag wouldn’t hang down so far. It may be a bit fiddley to get the ID tag on the ring, but then once it’s on, you’re done.

    (Also love how, in the photos, the tag matches their collar! Very stylish.)

    1. Thanks Tegan. I am already using the smallest ring you can get and still put the dog tags on it. With that ring it doesn’t hang down too far – just farther than just a plain tag. It’s been working great for us!

  8. How secure are these? In under a year, my pup has managed to loose her registration tag, multiple lights, a couple small bells, and even a locking carabiner while running through the woods. I’m wondering if this would stay on.

    1. Wow. Sounds like your pup is on a “losing streak”. Chester and Gretel are not allowed to run free in the woods so I can’t speak to that. However, they have spent three years wearing these clips to play around in our back yard, hike, travel, etc and they have held up. I can’t imagine them being stronger than directly hooking a tag to a collar D ring using the jump ring that comes standard with tags though. These are not meant for added security but as a convenience so you can easily switch tags between different collars and harnesses.

  9. Hi! I own a dachsie and found the most wonderful tag holder – FREEZE TAGS(R). I found mine at In The Company Of Dogs web site. Not only is it easy to attach and remove the tags, the tags do NOT jingle on the dog’s collar. They’re available in different colors, too! I love this web site, and am walking and hiking more with my wee beastie than ever before.

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