My two biggest passions are hiking and camping with my Dachshunds and learning about the breed.
There was so much I wish I knew when I inherited my first Dachshund.
Since that fateful day in 2005, I’ve devoted thousands of hours learning and I share that with you so you don’t have to.
If you are new to Dachshund ownership, or don’t know much about the Dachshund breed, please start with this article:
Article: Top 25 Things Every Dachshund Owner Must Know
Jackets and Outdoor Gear for Dachshunds
- Our Favorite Harnesses for Dachshunds: The VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness and these no-chafe harnesses for long walks and hikes.
Traveling with Dachshunds
Common Dachshund Health Issues – General
- Common Dachshund Health Problems: Seizures (link to a different blog I write for)

Dachshund Back Problems and Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD)
There is so many important articles I’ve written on this topic, and so many other resources I want you to know about, that I created a separate page for this.
Please visit my Inervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) Resources page.