DoggoRamps Dog Couch Ramp for Dachshunds
Does your Dachshund love to lay next to you on the couch?
If the doorbell rings, or you get up, without a gentle way for your Dachshund to get off the couch, they have to jump down to get to the door or follow you to the other room.

Since Dachshunds are brave and athletic, their jump is often like a flying leap.
This repeated impact can cause injury or health issues down the road.
Why Your Dachshund Needs a Ramp
Dachshunds love to cuddle with their owners so that means they are frequently up on the couch and other furniture around the home.
Dachshunds are also brave and bold. This means that they won’t think twice about launching themselves off of said furniture.
This is not good because Dachshunds are prone to back problems.
Although the majority of Dachshund back injuries have an underlying genetic cause (IVDD), repetitive and excessive impact from jumping can trigger a disk rupture and lead to things like arthritis later in life.
I think all Dachshund owners should decide between not letting their pup on the furniture at all (which is very, very unlikely to happen with a Dachshund) or giving them a safe way to get on and off it.
If your Dachshund has already suffered a back injury once, it’s imperative that you provide a low-impact way for your dog to get on and off furniture to help prevent flare-ups or another injury.
Are Ramps or Stairs Better for Dachshunds?
While both are better than nothing at all, there are some things you should consider when choosing between stairs or a ramp for your Dachshund.
- Are they more likely to use stairs or a ramp?
- Is a static height ok or do you want adjustable to fit different furniture heights?
- Would you like it to collapse for storage or travel?
- How much floor space do you have?
To help you think through these questions in more detail, please read this article explaining the advantages of a ramp over stairs for your Dachshund.
For my dogs, I have determined that I prefer a ramp over stairs.

I found that they were less likely to use the stairs.
Their movement up and down the stairs looked awkward because they couldn’t step naturally – they had to match their stride with the number and width of stairs.
A Dachshund will always figure out the easiest and most comfortable way to so something.
In the case of couch stairs, that means my Dachshunds often chose to leap OVER the stairs, making the jump bigger and the impact on their spine worse!
Why the DoggoRamps Dachshund Dog Ramp is One of the Best Ramps Out There
Disclosure: DoggoRamps sent us a ramp to try so we could tell you what we thought. It’s not the couch ramp we regularly use. The links to purchase below are affiliate links (Amazon and Etsy), which means we receive a small commission on qualifying purchases.
I’ve seen many couch dog ramps with my own eyes and tried several for my Doxies over the years.
Most, at best, have been mediocre quality. At worst, they were cheap and dangerous.
In my expert Dachshund-owner opinion, I think DoggoRamps makes one of the best couch (and bed, see below) ramps for Dachshunds out there.
This is what sets the DoggoRamps apart to me:
- They were designed specifically for Dachshunds
- They are constructed of solid wood
- They are manufactured in North America (Canada to be exact)
- There are 4 height/angle adjustments (on the small couch ramp)
- They can be folded flat for storage
- They’re covered with a grippy, soft yoga-mat like material
- They’re available in 5 different wood colors to match your decor
You know what else makes them awesome? They were designed by Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund’s Dad!
That’s right, these were created for a very special, famous dog.

Where to Buy the DoggoRamps Couch Ramp?
There are several places you can purchase a DoggoRamps ramp for your Dachshund or other small dog.
You can add the DoggoRamp to your cart the next time you check out on Amazon.
If you’re into shopping regularly for handmade goods, you can purchase the DoggoRamps Couch Ramp on Etsy.
Do I Need a Dachshund Ramp for My Bed?
Almost everyone I know lets their Dachshund on the couch. That’s why I think having a ramp for the couch is a must.
However, not everyone lets their Dachshund on the bed.
They may not allow them into the bedroom at all or put them in a crate to sleep.
However, if your Dachshund is allowed on the bed, I think a dog ramp for the bed is necessary too.
It’s actually more important because the height of most beds is taller than the seat of the couch – sometimes double!
I think allowing your Dachshund to regularly jump off the bed is outright being reckless with their health. #SorryNotSorry
DoggoRamps sells the same high-quality small dog ramps for beds too.
They have similar features to the couch ramp but also have safety railings (since the top of the ramp is higher).
Personally, I don’t use a ramp to help my Dachshunds get safely on and off the bed.
Our bedroom is very small and there is no space for a ramp (the bed ramps are larger than the couch ramps). But not letting my Dachshund sleep with me isn’t an option.
Instead, I opted to set my mattress and box spring directly on the floor, thus creating a low-budget, and low height, platform bed.
But if you’re not into putting your bed on the floor, you can purchase a bed ramp for small dogs from DoggoRamps here:
Final Thoughts
If you own a Dachshund, providing a ramp or stairs for them to get on and off furniture is a must.
The couch and bed ramps made by DoggoRamps are one of the best quality ramps I’ve found.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.
“mattress and box spring directly on the floor” – hah! We did too, when our elderly border collie was too frail to safely use a ramp to get on the bed. I wondered if we were the only ones.
My physical therapist says it’s a great idea because it encourages (forces) us to get down on (almost) floor level and back up, which is a critical skill for geezers like us. So even though we now have two very athletic border collies, we still sleep “on the floor”.
I completely agree with you about ramps over stairs, and the importance for any long-backed dog.
I never thought about the benefits of having my mattress on the floor for ME 🙂