Layman’s Guide to Buying a Cold Laser for Your Dog

If you read my article about how cold laser therapy can help your dog, you know it can help dogs with:

  • Arthritis
  • ACL and other ligament tears
  • Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) and other spine problems
  • General pain
  • Healing wounds
  • And more

You’ve decided to buy a cold laser therapy machine for home use but the information out there is overwhelming and sometimes conflicting.

UPDATED: December 12, 2022

A simple (ish) explanation of the different features of cold lasers for your dog

Lucky for you, I love gathering, gathering, gathering information and then boiling it down to something really simple.

Or as simple as I can make it anyway.

I’m no pet laser expert – I only started learning about them after Gretel injured her back (2016), her initial rehab period was over, and I started looking at long-term management options.

However, I did a ton of research over about 6 months and consulted with a few pet laser experts. 

Hopefully this “layman’s guide” will help you decide which cold laser therapy unit is right for your dog.

How to Decide Which Cold Laser to Buy For Your Dog

When evaluating a cold laser to use on your dog at home, basically there are six things you want to consider:

  1. Laser classification
  2. Power (mW)
  3. Wavelength (nm)
  4. Frequency (Hz)
  5. Size of the diode (area it can treat at once)
  6. Cost

What Do the Different Laser Classes Mean?

The bottom line:

Lasers that range from class 1 to 4 can be purchased for home use on a companion animal (there are some FDA rules if you want to use it on humans too but many people do use the same laser for themselves as an “off label use”).

However, class 4 lasers can be dangerous if not used properly, and aren’t necessarily better, so stick with a class 1-3 laser.

More details:

When looking at different lasers, you will see their “class”. Lasers are classified according to power level.

Basically, the class tells you how safe a laser is for home use.

Safe, in this case, means the ability to do damage to eyes or tissue.

Laser classes range from 1-4 (typically expressed in Roman numerals but not here for clarity) with some classes being broken into 2 sub-classes (example, 1 vs 1m or 3 vs 3b).

Class 1 & 2 lasers can easily be purchased over-the-counter for home use.

Because this classification is limited to a maximum power of 5mW continuous (they can go a bit higher than that if pulsed – see the section on frequency below), the risk is buying something that isn’t actually effective for treating your pet.

However, effective class 1 & 2 lasers do exist.

Class 3 lasers are designed for veterinary practitioners but can also be purchased for home use on dogs and horses (these are not FDA approved to use on humans without a prescription). 

Class 3 lasers must be less than 500mW per laser diode continuous output.

You can find some lasers that use multiple diodes, all under 500 mW, to increase the power or treatment area of the laser.

If they are a class 3 or 3b laser, that means they have still been determined to meet the safety requirements of that category.

There is a class 4 laser. Lasers in this class have one or more laser beams with an output of 500mW or more.

Lasers in this class have potential to due damage to eyes or tissue if used improperly but you can still buy these for home use on pets.

However, some pet laser experts warn to stay away from class 4 lasers because the potential to use them incorrectly, and cause damage, is too high.

If you do choose to purchase a class 4 laser, it’s highly recommended that you get proper training on how to use it from your veterinarian.

Class 4 lasers are so expensive that most people are unlikely to be buying one for their dog.

How do you choose a cold laser for your dog?

What Power Level Do I Need?

The bottom line:

As long as the laser is over 5 mW (so, not a laser pointer for your cat or computer), it will deliver some level of treatment.

The higher powered the laser is, the shorter the treatment time and the more likely they are to be effective (if you have to use the laser for 20 minutes twice a day, you might be tempted to cut the treatment time short).

More details:

The power of the laser doesn’t exactly correlate to effectiveness . The power just determines how long or short the treatment time is.

A lower power laser will have to be used for 20-30 minutes while a high-powered laser can provide the same treatment in as low as 5-10 minutes.

Conversely, a higher power laser used for the same amount of time will deliver more healing power.

As you can imagine, when trying to treat a sometimes squiggly pet, a shorter treatment time – therefore, a higher power laser – is probably better. 

I could go into numbing detail but I’ll just say that a home-use laser can range from under 30 mW (some say that ones under 100 mW aren’t really effective though) to about 15,000 mW.

What Wavelength Do I Need?

The bottom line:

Figure out what condition(s) you want to use cold laser therapy at home for and choose the appropriate wavelength.

If you are unsure, or you want to treat multiple conditions, choose a laser with different modes or that use a combination of different wavelengths at the same time.

More details:

The next thing to look for is the wavelength. This determines how deeply the laser will penetrate the skin and tissue.

The shorter the wavelength, the shallower the treatment depth.

Cold lasers for your dog typically range from 600 nm (red) to 980 nm.

If you are buying a laser for your dog to help with a skin condition or wound, you can go with a laser that is closer to the 600-635 nm range because you are only concerned with treating at skin level.

An interesting thing about lasers in this wavelength is that they are the most likely to put the energy “in the blood”.

This energy can move around the body in the bloodstream and effect more systematic or complex issues.

If you want to laser to treat deeper muscle tissue or joints, but still offer surface-level cellular benefits, then a laser with a wavelength of 800 to 860 nm is ideal.

If you are looking for one to treat only deeper level tissue and joint issues, you should go with a laser that is at least 905 nm.

There is some controversy around laser wavelengths that are above 905 nm.

The theory is that the extra wave “length” is absorbed by tissues and water so the longer wavelength doesn’t reach any deeper than a 905 nm anyway.

In fact, some studies claim that it may not even reach as deep as a 905 nm wavelength (this is a totally non-sciency explanation of… a lot of science). Some studies contradict that though.

Just make sure the laser has a wavelength of 905 nm if you want deeper treatments.

You are unlikely to find anything over 1080 nm for home use.

Still confused about which wavelength  you need?

Luckily, there are some lasers out there that cover the whole range and have different settings depending on what you are treating at the moment.

There are also some lasers, like the My Pet Laser, use multiple wavelengths at the same time.

Use cold laser to treat inflammation in your dog

Why Does Laser Frequency Matter?

The bottom line:

Continuous, pulsed, and super pulsed cold lasers are all effective for treatment.

However, super pulsed lasers are the best because they deliver a maximum treatment power and effectiveness while reducing the risk for over heating and damaging the tissues.

More details:

Lasers can operate continuously, be “pulsed” or “super pulsed”.

Only lasers that are “pulsed” will mention “Hertz” in their description. 

Hertz, or cycle per second of electromagnetic radiation, determines the frequency and duration of breaks in the laser beam emission.

In other words, a pulsed laser “shoots” a beam into the skin at some interval instead of constantly staying on.

A continuous laser beam penetrates the skin and then, basically, remains on that spot.

There is potential for the tissues to heat up in that area and cause damage.

These lasers often have to be constantly moved by hand to prevent this.

If a laser is pulsed, think of it as a cycle of hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold. The area gets a chance to cool between each heating “pulse”.

Therefore, a pulsed laser can operate at a higher power (hotter) because there are little breaks that allow the area to cool.

You may be able to leave a pulsed laser in one spot to deliver targeted treatment but be sure to read the manual to confirm.

One thing to note about traditional pulsed lasers is that, since the tissue is basically heating and cooling in cycles, it may be delivering less treatment to an area given the same amount of time with a continuous laser. 

For example, a continuous laser will deliver 3 minutes of light to a treatment area in 3 minutes.

However, a pulsed laser is delivering the light for less than 3 minutes during a 3 minute treatment period because of the “pulse”.

This means that you will likely need to extend the treatment time with a pulsed laser (it may not be that significant though).

A super pulsed laser is essentially a pulsed laser that goes hot-cold-hot-cold really, really fast.

It combines the best of both of the above technologies – continuous and pulsed.

When the laser is super pulsed, it minimizes the heating-cooling cycle while still allowing for a high power diode to be used (doesn’t heat up the tissue).

For example, Multi Radiance Super Pulsed lasers deliver a pulse at billionths of a second and a laser diode that can reach up to 50,000 mW of peak power.

This delivers a  higher concentration of light energy, or photons, deeper into the target tissue, without any risk of over-heating.

Does the Size of the Laser Diode Matter?

The bottom line:

Look at the description for information about the size of the treatment area rather than getting hung up on the size of the laser diodes.

More details:

I didn’t see this point emphasized in most literature I reviewed about lasers. However, it’s worth noting.

If the laser has only one diode, it’s diameter is somewhat relevant because some diodes are only 1/2 inch in diameter and some are closer to 2 inches.

It makes sense that a larger diameter diode will cover a larger treatment area if applied to the skin in one spot.

However, most lasers are used by “sweeping” them over the treatment area so you can really cover the same area with both pretty easily.

Where it might matter is if you are using it to trigger acupuncture points (very specific points on the body).

If the laser has multiple diodes, the size of each diode matters less.

Four 1/2 inch diodes can cover a similar area as a single 2-inch diode.

How Much Does a Cold Laser for Dogs Cost?

You’ll obviously need to think about, or “justify”, how much you’re willing to spend on a cold laser unit.

The bottom line:

Buy the highest power laser you can, with the most appropriate treatment wavelength for the condition you are treating, that is within your budget.

Questions to ask yourself before buying a cold laser to use at home

How many pets will you use it on?

This matters when estimating what the cost would be if you choose to get treatments through your veterinarian. Obviously, treating more pets will be more expensive.

How many treatments a month do you want to give them?

During Gretel’s rehab period, it was recommended that she get 2-3 laser treatments a week.

One treatment per week was the minimum recommended when she was in active recovery.

The chances are that you would get similar recommendations for your pet but it’s not a bad idea to ask a veterinarian who works with cold lasers.

What is the going rate for cold laser treatments by veterinarians in your area?

Call around and find out what the average cost of a laser treatment is in your area.

What would it cost if you DON’T buy the laser to use at home? This is where we get down to the math of it all.

Multiply the number of pets you will treat by the number of treatments you plan to give them a month. Multiply that by the going rate in your area for one laser treatment.

If you are going to give maintenance treatments all-year long, multiply that number by 12 months (most quality lasers will last 5 years or more).

For example, laser treatments at Gretel’s rehab vet is about $50 per treatment.

If I took both dogs in for only 2 treatments a week, that would be 16 treatments a month, or approximately $800 a month.

If I gave them treatment year-round, I would spend $9,600.

What are you willing/able to invest?

Now you have an idea of what you would spend if you didn’t buy a laser so you could give your dog treatments yourself.

Chances are, it’s more money than you are happy about parting with. However, it gives you some perspective.

The cost of the laser you purchase, ideally, will fall in between what you can easily afford and what it would cost if you sought treatments through a veterinarian.

Will pet insurance cover any of the cost?

I have pet health insurance that will cover cold laser therapy.

The catch is that it has to be prescribed by a veterinarian and the treatments performed in a clinical setting.

Technically, according to my policy, it will not cover the purchase of  a laser.

That means that much of my costs to get Chester and Gretel treated with laser at the vet (and maybe a rental from a veterinarian for use at home) is likely covered by insurance but I’m on my own if I want to buy a laser.

However, your pet insurance might . It doesn’t hurt to ask.

Intangible factors to consider

There are other things you need to consider too like accessibility and convenience.

Perhaps there are not any veterinarians in your area that offer laser treatments.

What is the time savings worth to you?

Traveling an hour or more to the vet for each treatment is more time consuming than delivering a similar treatment at home in 10 minutes.

Why I Decided to Buy A Cold Laser to Use on My Dogs at Home

When it came to price – using my example above – it would cost me $9,600 a year to treat both Chester and Gretel at home at 2 treatments a week (I want to treat them at least 4 days a week though so this monetary figure is a minimum).

If I treated them for 5 years (how long a quality laser usually lasts – sometimes they last longer) , getting my dogs treated at the vet could cost me up to $48,000.

CHOKE! *Ahem* There is no way I could pay that much. Ever.

As far as convenience, that was a no-brainer.

First, we travel a lot. Whether it be driving for hours back and forth to trails, camping trips in the woods, or traveling to other states, we are away from home often.

The ONLY solution for us is for me to have my own laser unit so I can give them treatments no matter where we are at or what time of day it is.

When it came to power level, I wanted to get the highest power laser that I can for what I can afford.

I’m a busy dog Mom, and Chester and Gretel are wiggly during treatments, so being able to deliver a treatment in the shortest amount of time possible is ideal.

I also wanted a laser with a low, or non existent, risk of injury. That meant I was likely going to want a super pulsed laser.

I wanted a laser that used multiple wavelengths so I could treat different conditions over time.

I did finally decide on a laser and purchased one to use on Chester and Gretel at home.

Multi Radiance My Pet Laser for home use on your dog

My Pet Laser of Choice: My Pet Laser by Multi Radiance Medical

Disclaimer: I was given a discount on the My Pet Laser rental and purchase in exchange for sharing my experience with you guys.

Ultimately, I decided on the My Pet Laser

My Pet Laser:

  • Is 15,000 mW of Peak Super Pulsed Power (one of the highest powers you can get for over-the-counter-lasers)
  • Uses 3 different wavelengths simultaneously – Red-660 nm, Infrared-875 nm and Super Pulsed Laser-905 nm – to reach different tissue levels.
  • It has 3 different frequency settings depending on what condition you are treating.
  • The typical treatment time is 5 minutes, twice a day

At a cost of $2,995.00, it was significantly less than my $9,600 a year for vet treatments.

The cost of the My Pet Laser was still way more than I was willing to spent before trying it.

I had met Dr. Youkey at a conference and knew that she was a rental and sales rep for the laser. She is one of the experts I consulted with when writing this article.

Dr. Youkey is a leading Veterinary Adviser for Multi Radiance Medical & a Mobile Veterinarian.

She received her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University, has over 38 years of veterinary industry background, lectures worldwide teaching other vets about laser therapy, and is leading the field by introducing Laser-Puncture (laser acupuncture) to the veterinary industry.

I contacted her to rent the My Pet Laser for 3 weeks to try it out.

She was very patient and answered every one of my 100 questions (that’s what it felt like anyway).

We talked about Chester and Gretel’s conditions and she explained to me how to properly use the laser.

I was pleased with the results so I decided to buy one.

I’ve been giving my dogs laser treatments at home, and while we travel, since 2017.

The laser still works properly and has been a key component in helping me manage Gretel’s IVDD Flareups.


If you want to rent My Pet Laser to try it out, contact Dr. Youkey at

If you already know you want one, you can use the code LONGBACKS to get $125 off of the retail price of the laser.

A Lower-Cost Option – Lumasoothe

I recognize that the price of this laser is too steep for some, even when you consider the cost-savings over time. However, it’s the only one I have personal experience with an can personally recommend.

If  you need something in the hundreds of dollars range instead of thousands, the LumaSoothe Pet Light Therapy Device (affiliate link) was recommended in one Dachshund group I belong to.

To be clear though, LumaSoothe is considered “light therapy”, not a cold laser, and is not as strong as the MyPetLaser.

LumaSoothe treatments require at least triple the treatment time (15 minutes per session vs 5 minutes with the My Pet Laser) before it will possibly achieve the same results as the My Pet Laser.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Jessica. I’ve been studying the Dachshund breed since 2007, owned 3 of my own, and shared in the lives of thousands of others through their owner’s stories. When I’m not sharing what I know on this blog, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.


  1. Hello.
    Your PetLaser article has really helped me a lot.
    I live in Korea, and my dogs are kidney failure.
    So they can not easily use antibiotics, and they are also 15 years old.
    So I was looking for something to improve their inflammation and pain.
    Cold laser was found through the search.
    I tried acupuncture to them through a veterinarian to reduce their pain.
    But it works pretty well, and about $ 100 one-time costs.
    The cost is too expensive for me. So I read your article many times.
    I want to buy the same model as you, but the cost is too expensive.
    So I found the model in the url below.
    I do not speak English well, I search, but I do not know if this product will work for my dogs.
    As a person who has experienced home laser first, can you give me advice?
    Korea has some of the lasers in the hospital, but it is still in its infancy.
    In Korea, there are still few people who buy cold lasers for dogs.
    So I have no place to seek advice.
    Thank you for your time.
    Have a great day and I wish you and your dogs health and happiness.
    Hyun Lee

          1. I assume you mean the MyPet Laser? It’s frustrating because it can be difficult to track down. There is a new version I guess, and this site has it listed, although I am a bit shocked that it’s so much more expensive than V1.0. I’m not sure if it’s just a markup on this website. I may reach out to the company that makes it and ask. It is worth mentioning that the one I have is the same laser as the TerraQuant Solo for people and that is listed at the same price:

    1. Hi Darren. I’m not familiar with cold lasers in the UK. I assume you can purchase them for home use just as you can in the US and I am almost positive that some veterinarian there can perform the procedure. I’m assuming you could charge a laser with a US plug in the UK using an adapter but I would definitely check with the manufacturer (or find one that already has a UK plug) because it’s definitely not worth risking ruining it.

  2. Hi:
    Thank you so much for your article. I have 2 older cats with crippling arthritis. After reading your article I rented the laser from my vet and have used it 10 days. I can already see that my cats are walking better- more upright and faster. The one cat even climbed the steps today which she hasn’t done in over a year.
    Here’s my problem. I just cannot afford the weekly rental fees. Why is it SO expensive? After reading about you and your dogs, I am thinking about getting a loan to buy the blue My Pet Laser. Do you know the cheapest place to get one? Or a cheaper place (than my very expensive vet’s office) to rent one?
    Thank you for your article. I feel like I’m on the right track now and see that my cats are actually feeling and moving better.
    Also…..the vet office did not give me goggles to wear while I do the laser on my cats. Do I need them with My Pet Laser?

    1. Hi Janet. I’m happy to hear that the laser worked for your cats but can totally empathize about the cost. I paid for about 10 laser sessions at the vet for my dog and it was over $800. Yikes! Investing in a My Pet Laser has definitely paid off for us in the long run. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to get a deal on one. They are high quality so I don’t think they run specials or anything. However, I would highly suggest contacting Dr. Youkey as asking her if she knows of any discounts or available payment plans. You can contact her here: Tell her that Jessica from sent you.

      As for the goggles, My Pet Laser came with them for me (which I don’t wear, I just don’t look at the beam) but not one for my dogs. Because of the laser classification, and the way the laser is used on pets, goggles for them are not required. You can always buy a cheap pair if you want to be extra cautious though. I would check PetSmart for their generic brand or check out “Doggles”. Good luck.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Your article on buying a laser is really informative. I appreciate that ! I’m not sure if a laser would help my dogs condition and I was recommended for him to get electro stimulation. Are there any machines you could point me to ? My dog has a condition called CD or Cauda Equina. I think it’s a degeneration of the lower spine and has symptoms similar to myelopathy. He’s on a good diet.

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Ed. I’m not familiar with Cauda Equina syndrome but looked it up and it seems to have some similarities with IVDD in Dachshunds (you didn’t say what breed your dog was?). I don’t have any recommendations for home electro stimulation but do know that a cold laser is also designed to stimulate an injured area to reduce swelling and promote healing. I don’t know if the electro stimulation that was recommended is invasive (I’ve had it done via acupuncture and it did involve the insertion of fine needles) but the cold laser definitely would not be. I might suggest discussing a cold laser treatments instead with your veterinarian and see what he/she says. Otherwise, acupuncture may also help. Good luck to you and your pup.

  4. Thanks for the detailed info Jessica. We started cold laser therapy for our dog Ginger to try and heal her limp. She is going for her second treatment this afternoon. The cost for her to do it is pretty cheap at only $20 per 5 minute session. But we have to drive an hour to get there. So I was researching on if it was possible to do at home and found your article. There is such a wide range of cold lasers available I wasn’t sure if the at-home versions worked. I can’t afford $3,000 for the option you chose. It would be helpful if you listed a few lower cost options.

  5. Thanks for your informative but easy to understand article. I have gone ahead and purchased the My Pet Laser for my 2 aging and arthritic labs. I’ve done laser treatments at the vet but wanted to continue treatments more frequently at home. Looking forward to receiving it and trying it out.

  6. I’m looking at the B cure laser. Looks like it meets the recommended features in your article. Has 808 nM. I’m looking to treat my 11 year old golden mix for arthritis. This one only costs $645. Looks like it is from Israel. Based on the technical specs it looks like a good value. Hope it works. Thanks for the in depth information.

    1. The B Cure Laser Pro is significantly lower powered than the My Pet Laser and the wavelength is lower so it won’t penetrate as deep into the skin tissue from what I understand. The Lumasoothe I mention at the bottom, also has a higher wavelength than the B Cure and is more powerful. I suspect B Cure do something but it will take a much longer treatment time to be effective (it has a 30 minute timer, suggesting to me that they expect one to use it for close to 30 minutes a time whereas the My Pet Laser needs only 5 minutes per treatment). If you’ve already purchased it and started treatments, I hope it’s helping your pup.

  7. Wonderful summary, Jessica. Lasers are definitely useful, but expensive. The ones at the vet’s office are extremely costly, but they are powerful, so the time spent holding the dog in position is reduced. We now know, however, that it doesn’t take a laser to receive the benefits. The important points are the wavelength of light used and the millivolts of power used. Here is Dr. Michael Hanblin, Harvard researcher widely regarded as the expert on biophotomodulation, says in his 2018 textbook:

    “Most of the early work in this field was carried out with various kinds of lasers, and it was thought that laser light had some special characteristcs not possessed by light from other light sources such as sunlight, flourescent or incandescent lamps and now LED’s. However all of the studies that have been done comparing lasers to equivalent light soures with similar wavelength and power density of their emission, have found essentially no difference between them.”

    Good news, but as Jessica says above, everyone will want to sell you an LED lamp, maybe even at the correct wavelengths, cheaply. That’s because they are vastly underpowered and would have to be left in place for half an hour or more to be sure that the Joules per square centimeter was adequate. For shallow treatment such as skin issues, the wavelength needs to be around 630nm which looks red to our eyes. For deep tissues, the wavelength needs to be in the near-infrared spectrum at 850nm (which humans cannot see, so it looks like it’s off even when it’s on.) You need power of around 100 mw per square centimeter of that wavelength (850nm) at 6 inches away from the skin to achieve the depth of treatment needed for spinal disks. At that power, at that wavelength, that far from the skin, for one minute, you will have a treatment in joules (milliwatts absorbed beneath the skin) equal to what you get in the vet’s office.

    You can get small ones that give you this (Joovv mini) or larger ones (Platinum LED) from reputable companies. Don’t do this every day. Every other day is plenty. I did this too long with my dog at first and she slept for the whole day, so I knew I had over-done it. The effects of lasers and LEDs is very powerful and bi-phasic which means that if you do too low of a dose you get no effect, but if you do too high of a dose, you also get no effect. Don’t think that “if a little is good, a lot is better” because it isn’t. Too little exercise for your dog is not good enough, but too much is not good, either. Happy medium, please, and don’t be impatient, it will take a couple of weeks to see results.

    There are hand-held LED’s in the correct wavelength for disks (850nm) but they are mostly under powered and must be held in place several times to treat the entire spine. I have one, but I no longer use it because it take forever and my little baby doesn’t want to hold still for that long. Here’s the one I have, but I have to hold it right on her back for 4 minutes, then another spot on her back for another 4 minutes to be able to get the light to the deep tissues.

    Cheaper, but more time involved, and not useful for skin or other superficial applications. It’s all 850nm LED’s (120 of them) with a little red indicator light that comes on when you hit the switch so you know when it’s on.

    I have a severe case of fibromyalgia and I use red light therapy (LLLT) for me as well. I can tell you this is an amazing therapy that works like no other. I have one of the largest and most expensive LED red light therapy units on the market and you couldn’t pry it out of my hands until after I’ve been cold stone dead for a year or so! Without it, I would be bed-ridden. With it, I can walk, I garden, I dance, I don’t hurt.

    1. As links don’t seem to appear in comments, could you maybe C&P the names of the devices you’ve used and mentioned here so we can look them up? Thanks Penny!

      I’m looking into financing a MyPetLaser but am of course also looking for more affordable but still effective alternatives. Luckily, my senior is a greyhound, so he as noooo trouble lying still for long periods of time, haha.

      1. Hi Amanda. I am the one who runs this site and I removed the links as I don’t allow the promotion of products without prior permission/approval. While I believe MyPetLaser is one of the best at home-lasers out there, I do recognize that it’s beyond the budget for some people. I suggest looking at the LumaSoothe. Although the treatment time needed is significantly more than MyPetLaser (30 minutes vs. 5 minutes), I have seen other people use it with success and believe it can achieve somewhat similar results. Here is the link:

      1. Hi Becky. There is a section on that at the bottom of the article. I purchased the My Pet Laser by Multi Radiance Medical.

    2. I didn’t catch the name of the laser you use for your fybromyalgia. Would love to get for my Mom. Do you still recommend? And can this also be used on Dog? Thanks ao much for your help!

  8. Oh, dear! I misspelled Dr. Hamblin’s name. So sorry. Hamblin, not Hanblin. The full reference is:

    M. Hamblin, et al. (2018). Low Level Light Therapy: Photobiomodulation. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

  9. Here is the website for a veterinary clinic in California that does LED therapy with paralyzed dogs (and even a chinchilla) to remarkable effect. The before and after videos on this site are amazing. Surgery is required if the animal has lost deep pain sensation, but if they haven’t, then light therapy can help.

  10. I just received a laser for my dog that i bought off However there are no instructions on how to use it, just the amount of time and sessions pet week. What is the proper procedure for use? My dog has a shoulder injury.

    1. Hi Kat. I don’t know which one you bought and I’m really only familiar with the one I own. Often times, companies only make the instruction manual available online. I would look at the manufacturer website or reach out to the company.

    1. It is recommended. Personally, I do not. I just make sure not to let my dog look at the laser directly and I avoid doing so myself.

  11. Thank you for this amazing article! It was incredibly informative fir a layperson like myself. It connected me with Dr Youkey who has been an absolutely amazing support through the process of choosing the right laser and now using it properly. And I, like you, have reached out with many questions and Dr Youkey has been right there with the support I need. Thank you!

  12. Hello. Is there a recommended protocol or setting to use for a repairing a herniated disc or concussed spinal tissue?

    1. Hi Charity. I would take whatever laser you have to a knowledgeable veterinarian and ask them. The MyPet Laser has three settings and they are each for different purposes/stages of healing. If you have the MyPet Laser, and don’t know a veterinarian, you can try to reaching out to Dr. Youkey (the veterinarian that sole us ours) to ask. To be clear though, a laser can reduce swelling and, in turn, speed healing and increase comfort, but the laser doesn’t “repair” a herniated disk. You can contact her here:

    1. Like on yourself? I do. It’s the same laser as the TerraQuant Pro for people but just packaged/marketed for pets. I’ve used it on myself for plantar fasciitis and knee pain.

  13. I bought the my pet laser for my 14 year old dachshund who has degenerative disk disease and has had surgery at age 6. He now has a cyst in the pocket that the disk was in and is losing the back end function. What numbers on the laser should I be using and how often should he get a treatment. Thank you

    1. Hi Deb. Please contact the manufacturer with any questions about the settings and how to use the laser. Or, better yet, if you ordered it from Dr. Youkey (at the bottom of my article), contact her. I’m not a veterinarian and not an expert in how to use the laser – I just understand the science about how it works and the settings I need to use for Gretel’s condition.

  14. Looking at the LumaSoothe light therapy and they talk LED vs Laser and the value of LED vs Laser. Sales hype or reality? Sent them a few additional questions since it appears the website only references nM value.

    1. They show how bright the light is, which is irrelevant, but not the wattage or wavelength (nm). At least not that I could find. If a laser does not list those things, I would not buy it because often then are omitted because they are not good.

      1. Hi, Demi and Jessica,

        I actually recently bought a Helio Pet to try to use for my dog’s IVDD. The manual states that it is “Red 660 nm and Near Infrared 850nm with 5 Diodes” (whatever that means) and it uses LLLT (low level laser) technology.

        1. Hi Daniel. Do you feel like it’s working? It’s my understanding that for deeper issues like IVDD, you need a higher wavelength than 850 nm.

  15. hi Jessica, thanks so much for all your hard work of researching and simplifying the very technical details. The more I looked for a device for my dog, the more overwhelmed I became. I just contacted Dr. Youkey and am going to purchase one for my dog. She said that the 15 watt is not recommended for animals over 30 lbs, so I moved up to the 25 watt, even though there are several levels over that, but are more for practitioners.
    She has not quoted a price yet and I am feeling anxious about that since I’m on tight budget and retired. I hope that I can afford it. I did not realize how much pain my dog is in until the vet diagnosed him with bad arthritis in his spine and hips and has had it for several years. My dog never complains and is very stoic so detecting pain is hard. I can’t wait to get the laser and help him not hurt. Thanks again. YOU helped me.

    1. Hi Anna. I don’t want to make assumptions, but based on the description of your income, I think the laser from Dr. Youkey may be out of your price range. The Lumasoothe light therapy device is a more affordable option, although it takes a much longer treatment time and doesn’t work quite the same as a cold laser. I’ve heard many Dachshund owners say they saw results with it though. You can read more about it here:

  16. After this great informative article, I contacted Dr. Youkey via email. She was quick to respond to me. As we interacted via email, I began to feel a lot of sales pressure from her. When she said that she was able to take as many as 10 credit cards for me to make a purchase, I decided to hold off.
    I eventually found a great, even better laser from an equine rehabilitator that is more powerful than the one being reviewed in this article and a lot less expensive. This article was very helpful for me in my process of finding an effective laser product for my dog.

      1. Hi DJ. I’m sorry but I am not completely clear on your question. I state that the laser I purchased is the My Pet Laser. It is $3,000 but I could afford it at the time and it has been worth the investment. But I understand it is out of budget for many people. That’s why, at the bottom of the article, I mention the LumaSoothe Light Therapy Device as a low-cost option. You can read more about that unit here: So I have provided the information I think you are asking for in the article. Please let me know if I misunderstood you.

  17. I have an American Bully that was diagnosed with IVDD. I’m interested in getting Lumasoothe light therapy. Would this be effective in getting some relief for my dog?

    1. Hi Jose. I am sorry you and your dog are going through the IVDD experience. The information I provided is relevant for any dog breed.

  18. Hi Jessica, thanks so much for this great explanation!

    I came across this laser and would love your thoughts on it:

    It says it’s a class 3b, which I know my vet uses, but I think it might not be strong enough? I’m not sure if I’m reading the specs right…

    Also dealing with managing my dog’s chronic IVDD flare ups. Finding something for home use will be SO helpful!

    1. I apologize for delayed response. The end of the year is always a super busy time for me. Upon first glance, I am definitely not impressed with the website. It looks very unprofessional. However, I know that sometimes people don’t have the money or know-how to produce better looking ones. And some “scammers” out there do when their product is actually garbage. Looking at the specs for this laser, if I am also reading this correctly, the power is only 300mW, which is extremely low.

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