Our Favorite Snowshoe Adventures

We are excited to launch of Snowshoeing with Your Small Dog 101 Series tomorrow. We have been snowshoeing with Chester and Gretel for almost 10 years. We want to share everything we know with so you can get out and have your own fun.

We have only been blogging for just over a year so most of our adventures haven’t been documented.We have captured some really good ones here though.

I looked back through our archives and picked out some of our favorites in hopes of inspiring you.

You might wonder if your dog would like snowshoeing. We know there are weiner dogs out there who have wet belly syndrome but we also know there are also many that would think snowshoeing was a lot of fun if given the chance…..and some of those are the same ones who don’t like getting wet or cold. Even though Chester and Gretel only tolerate the rain, Gretel loved her very first snowshoe and showed us that she is an amazing little hiker.

Ideally, small dogs can showshoe where the snow is already packed down. They can move pretty easy in those conditions. Chester can outrun me in the packed snow. When the snow is fluffy, they can’t go as far but they will still happily plow through it until they get too tired.

The other side to finding yourself is deep snow is arriving at a trail to find so little snow that you don’t need to wear your snowshoes after all. That happened to us when we hiked up to Source Lake earlier this year. There was only a few inches of snow on the trail but we still had a lot of fun and got some of the most amazing winter wonderland photos ever!

Come back tomorrow to find out more about how much fun snowshoeing can be and how you can get started making your own adventure stories.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Jessica. I’ve been studying the Dachshund breed since 2007, owned 3 of my own, and shared in the lives of thousands of others through their owner’s stories. When I’m not sharing what I know on this blog, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.


  1. Happy New Year. And all that snowshoeing looks fun. We just left the warmish desert hiking though, and that was great.

  2. Awesome. I look forward to your snowshoing tips! Hopefully we’ll have enough big snowfalls this year to be able to use them often.

    I tried skating yesterday.. That was fine.. but slippery. Tell you about it soon. Take care and enjoy 2012!

    1. Why do you think our blog is called You Did WHAT With Your Weiner? Ha, ha. Many people are surprised at our grand adventures. They probably can’t go as far as big dogs but they are very motivated for the few miles they can do (they have done up to 6 on packed snow).

    1. You need to tell your parents that they have to get on that ASAP. Take a road trip to New Mexico or something. Ha, ha.

  3. What fabulous adventures you and your pup have been on! I’m actually jealous I can’t try snowshoeing because I live in Florida (the only state in the entire US that did not get any snow last year.. including Hawaii!!). However, if me and my pup ever take a road trip where there is some snow, I’m definitely going to try it. In the meantime, we’ll be looking for some non-snow related adventures to go on. Can’t wait!

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