The Wieners Are Out In Full Force

We’re starting to get our summer crowd back for the Adventureweiner Club Green Lake walk. We had over 30 people and almost 40 wieners show up. The event can draw up to 50 people during the summer months.

Adventureweiner Club April 2015

Maybe it was  the good weather…. or maybe it was the lure of free stuff. Ha, ha.

The creator of the Purggo all natural car air filter and freshener came to give out samples to the group.

Purgoo Car Air FreshenersThe air filters were prototypes that Purggo couldn’t sell but they wanted to see then go to good homes. The Purggo air filter hangs over the back of a car seat and absorbs odors in the air for a year or more. It contains 100% bamboo charcoal, is allergen-free and non-toxic, and the charcoal can be spread on your garden as fertilizer when you are done with it.

Everyone in the club was very appreciative of the samples. I know I am looking forward to trying it out.  It amazing to me how stinky my car can get from two little dogs. Between their breath and the wet dog smell after hikes, it can get pretty ripe in there. I could sure use some fresher air in there.

Because of the relationship I built with a company called Hurtta through the blog, I was also able to give away some doggy rain overalls. Hurtta is from Finland and makes high-quality outdoor dog clothing and gear. They generously sent me a bunch of last years model of the outdoor overalls to give out to club members.

I love it when we have a bigger crowd for the meetup. It’s a blast to see the looks on people’s faces when they get passed by 50 wiener dogs. People are always coming up and asking us about the dogs or if they can take pictures.

I like to think of us and goodwill Doxie ambassadors 🙂


About the Author

Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.


  1. This is such a fantastic idea. I so wish that I had a bigger dog community for our dogs – maybe I will start a herding dog group or something similar. I do have friends with dogs and we get together here and there, but big groups like this are so great for both the dogs and the humans. It’s nice having people who “get you” and your dog.

    1. I wished that too…so I started my own group 🙂 I have been doing this for over 4 years and made a lot of good friends along the way. Even if we don’t end up being regular friends, the people that come to these are really nice dog lovers.

    1. Ha, ha. I am so used to saying “wiener” that I didn’t even think about how some would read the title 🙂 Having a group of dog lovers to hang out with is a lot of fun.

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