How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog?
Whether you are talking about how much CBD oil, or dog treats that contain CBD oil, to give your pet, the discussion is really about the amount of CBD the product contains. One CBD dog treat from one brand might not contain the same amount of CBD as one treat from another.
The amount of CBD, measured in milligrams (mg), you should give your dog depends on a lot of things like weight, your dog’s personal sensitivity to it, and whether you are giving it for behavioral problems like anxiety or for “illnesses” such as seizures or cancer.
Important: I am not a veterinarian. However, I’ve been studying CBD for dogs for several years, and have interviewed experts involved in the production of pet CBD products, so I consider myself pretty educated. My perspective and advice is no substitute for your vet’s though. It’s always best to consult your vet when you want to start your pet on a new supplement to make sure it’s ok for their particular health and situation.
Is CBD Safe for Your Dog?
Simply put, CBD products for dogs contain virtually no THC – the active ingredient in some strains of cannabis (marijuana) that get people high – so it won’t get your dog high.
I shared in a previous article that it’s generally safe to give your dog CBD, even in higher doses than recommended. Although CBD for dogs is considered safe, there are some possible mild, but negative, reactions.
Common CBD Dog Side Effects
If more than the suggested amount is consumed, there is a possibility of a few side effects, most commonly including:
- Lethargy and/or lack of coordination until it metabolizes in their system
- Diarrhea (usually caused by giving too much of the carrier oil, not CBD itself)
The bottom line is, there are no known long term effects (remember, we’re talking CBD extract made for dogs here with virtually no THC) so it’s considered generally safe, even in high doses.
Please contact your veterinarian if you think your pet might be having an adverse reaction of any kind.
How Much CBD is in the Oil or Treat?
The number on the front of the package of any CBD product can be a bit misleading. It usually lists the amount of total CBD in the whole package (like the whole bag or bottle) in milligrams (mg).
This can make one one product seem better than the other because it has a bigger number on the front of the package when, in fact, each treat may contain the same amount of CBD, or less.
To determine how much CBD is in each drop of oil or treat, look on the back of the package. That will list how much is in each drop, treat, or teaspoon (in the case of a solid like hemp infused coconut oil from HempMy Pet).
In the case of oil, it’s often important to know how many drops are in a dropper because some products will just tell you how much CBD, in mg, is in a full dropper. What you really want to know though is how much is in each drop so you might need to do some math.
For example, the 1000 mg hemp seed oil from HempMy Pet says it contains 32 mg of CBD per full dropper (1 ml dropper in their case).
I filled the dropper to the 1 ml mark and dispensed the oil several times to confirm there were an average of 28 drops in each one. Dividing 32 mg by 28 drops tells me that there is approximately 1.1 mg of CBD in each drop.
What is the Proper Dosage of CBD for My Dog?
In order to determine the proper dosage, you’ll need to know these things below.
The Recommended Dosage
The recommended dosage of CBD for a dog is based on weight. Each product you purchase should have a recommended dosage on the back label ( don’t buy it if it doesn’t – it’s not trustworthy).
A good chart won’t just say “X treats” or “X drops” but, instead, will tell you the actual milligrams of CBD your pet needs. Here is an example chart from HempMy Pet for their 1000 mg (bottle) of CBD hemp seed oil for dogs:
The important columns to pay attention to here are columns 1 and 2.
For a 15 lb dog, HempMy Pet recommends 4-5 mg of CBD a day (I took the liberty of cutting the lowest dosage recommendation in half since 15 lbs is half of their minimum weight listed).
Given my previous calculation – 1.1 mg of CBD in every drop of 1000 mg (remember, that’s total in the bottle) hemp seed oil from HempMy Pet – a 15 lb dog would need 4 drops of oil a day for general health.
This recommended dosage is a starting point. You can always adjust that amount up for down based on desired effect (ie. more is usually needed for anxiety) if you need to.
Quality Matters Too, Not Just Quantity
It’s also very important to pay attention to the makeup and quality of the product. Different sources, and different processing, can result in different potency.
For example, 1 mg of CBD from one company might not work as well for your dog as 1 mg of CBD from another company.
I learned this the hard way.
I’ve been giving Gretel CBD for almost two years. We’ve tried at least 10 different brands, including some claiming to be the best. To see a noticeable effect in her anxiety levels, I’ve found I have to give her 3-4 times the recommended dosage.
When we were sent hemp CBD dog treats from HempMy Pet to try, I started out with 3 times what it said she needed on the package. Once it kicked in, I was like “Whoa! Too much. Too much.” Ha, ha.
It didn’t harm her in any way but it made her a little sleepier than I wanted her to be (one of the side effects of too much CBD). Lesson learned. Now I start with only a double dose if I’m using CBD products from HempMy Pet.
Things that can affect the quality of CBD products are:
- The strain of hemp used to produce the CBD extract (influences the effect it can have on your pet)
- Whether that extract is an isolate or is full spectrum (hint: full spectrum is the one you want)
- Whether the company uses the same strain of hemp each time (using the same strain ensures that you’re getting a consistently effective product)
- The carrier oil or dog treat ingredients (freshness and synergistic benefits help)
- In the case of dog treats, the temperature they’re baked at (higher heat can break down the CBD and cause that 1 mg of CBD put in the treat to not be as beneficial as 1 mg of fresh CBD extract)
What Are You Trying to “Treat” by Giving Your Dog CBD?
Based on my own experience, I had a theory about CBD dosage for dogs. I ran this by Marc from HempMy Pet during a phone interview and he confirmed my understanding.
CBD can benefit dogs in many ways. The amount of CBD you give them, depends on the outcome you want. The outcome you want also influences how often you should give your dog CBD.
For general wellness, a lower dose over time is good. CBD has a compounding effect so giving it consistently over time allows it to build up in your dog’s system and work its best.
In this case, giving your dog the recommended dose at the same time every day is probably best. You can also choose to split the recommended dose in two and give ½ in the morning and ½ in the evening.
For behavioral issues, since they are more “in the moment”, and there is a visible change in behavior you are trying to achieve, you’ll want to give the CBD in close proximity to when the effect is needed and you’ll likely have to give a higher dose than is recommended on the back of the package.
For example, if I know Gretel will be in a situation that can make her anxious, like flying in the cabin of an airplane, I’ll give her a double or triple dose (depending on the product) about an hour before we are going to board the plane. Then I will give her a regular dose every couple hours as “maintenance”.
If you are giving your dog CBD for an “illness” such as cancer or seizures, you may want to consult with your vet regarding the effective dose. However, in most cases, it will be higher than what is recommended on the back of the package for general health.
Also, you’ll need to adjust it based on trial and error. Each dog has a different sensitivity to CBD so what works for one dog may be too much or too little for another.
With something visible like seizures, if your dog is still having them at a particular dose, you may want to consider increasing it.
What CBD Product Do I Recommend? HempMy Pet
As I said in the beginning, I’ve tried at least 10 different brands of CBD products with Gretel. Some were very disappointing, a couple were ok, and one surprised me… in a very good way.
With HempMy Pet, I saw a difference in Gretel’s anxiety after a lower dose than the others. I was able to scale back to a double dose, vs. at least triple with the others, to get the calming results she needed.
That told me right away that it was a high-quality and potent product.
One of the most unique things (and what I like best) about HempMy Pet is that they use the same strain of hemp. All strains of cannabis are good for different things and naturally contain a specific mix of cannabinoids (CBD), terpenes, and flavonoids.
By always using the same strain, I’m confident that HempMy Pet products always contain the same full-spectrum CBD profile. This consistency ensures that HempMy Pet will continue to work for Gretel.
Other important things to know about HempMy Pet are:
- Their CBD extract is from hemp grown organically, using sustainable farming practices, right in Colorado (where they are located) so they have control of the entire process from start to finish
- They ensure their carrier oils – hemp seed oil and virgin coconut oil – are the freshest of the batch so they taste good and retain all of the nutritional benefits
- Their hemp seed carrier oil is sourced from Canada and, most importantly, they make sure that it’s produced entirely in Canada, not from leaves or seeds grown in China like some are
- Their full-spectrum hemp oil contains not just CBD but also CBG, CBC, CBV and other beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids
- Their products are 3rd-party lab tested not just for potency but also for safety and purity (the lab results will be available on their website shortly).
We’re currently using:
- Hemp Seed Oil Infused with CBD Hemp Extract – 1000 mg (Gretel – daily for general health)
- Coconut oil infused with CBD Hemp Extract – 500 mg (me – for daily general health)
- Handmade Hemp Infused Organic Dog Biscuits – 5mg or 2 mg (Gretel – as needed for stress).
The Bottom Line
In Summary:
- Use a high-quality, full-spectrum CBD, not a product made with CBD isolate
- Choose the highest quality you can (really do your homework on this because, of course, everyone will say theirs is the best.)
- Start with the recommended dose for your dog listed on the back of the package
- Adjust the amount up or down, and/or the frequency, based on your own dog’s needs
- CBD is generally not harmful but check with your vet if you have any concerns
What other questions do you have about giving CBD products to your dog? Comment below.
Disclosure: I was compensated by HempMy Pet in exchange for my time spent sharing information about CBD for dogs and about their products. I don’t accept stuff “in exchange for a review” unless I am sure I already like it because I won’t try to make something seem better than it is out of obligation. Thanks for trusting me on that.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.
Thank you for this article! I’ve wanted to try CBD oil with my dachshund but have been nervous because of his size. This information was super helpful.
I live in the England and found your article interesting. Can I get a delivery here if so how much for posting?
Hi Carole. I’m not positive because I don’t sell the product. Please check with the manufacturers website.
Great article, thank you! The place I bought my dog’s CBD suggested I start with approx 6mg of CBD tincture for my dog’s separation anxiety (she is 17.5lbs), a bit before I’m going out. I find the effectiveness hit or miss though, and I’m concerned about giving her more! I worry that I may have started her at too high a dose after reading many more articles since I purchased the CBD. I guess my question is, can I (or should I) give her more? Or can I somehow start again with a smaller dose and go up from there? I fear if I’ve given her too much from the start that she has built up a resistance to it. Any advice will be appreciated! Many thanks, Victoria from Victoria 🙂
Hi Victoria. As my article says, “For a 15 lb dog, HempMy Pet recommends 4-5 mg of CBD a day (I took the liberty of cutting the lowest dosage recommendation in half since 15 lbs is half of their minimum weight listed).” Therefore, a 6 mg recommendation for a 17 lb dog seems completely reasonable. That’s just the starting dose though. You may need to increase the dose if you’re not seeing results. Studies have shown that CBD is safe, even in high doses. If you are concerned though, I would check with a veterinarian (I am not one). For example, when Gretel has bad anxiety, I often have to give her 10-12 mg to see a difference. You might also want to try a different brand. Different brands use different strains and, just like with people, different strains affect people/dogs differently. Since you are using the CBD for medical purposes, I would also ensure that you use a brand that uses the same strain all of the time. That way the results will be more consistent. HempMy Pet is one such brand but there may be others. Good luck. I’ve heard nothing but good things about CBD for controlling seizures.
I like that you said that you CBD oil for dogs is great for treating cancer or seizures. My dog has been having seizures for some time and I’ve been looking for something to help prevent those seizures. I’ll have to look into getting CBD oil to help my dog be more healthy.
I’m still confused. My dog weighs 37 lbs. I have a bottle of CBD oil that says it’s 1000 mg. I still don’t know how much I’m supposed to give him.
Hi Sandra. The process, if the oil doesn’t say how much on the label, can be a bit confusing. 4-5 mg of CBD a day is recommended for a 15 lb dog. Since your dog is roughly twice that size, 8-10 mg a day would be an appropriate place to start (you may have to adjust up or down to achieve the desired effect). The tricky part is figuring out how many mg of CBD are in each drop of the oil you have. The bottle you have contains 1,000 mg CBD TOTAL. If your bottle is 30 ml (1 ounce) then 1,000/30 is approximately 33 mg per 1 ml. In my one ounce bottle, my dropper, full to the top part you can still see, is 1 ml. Therefore, a full dropper contains 33 mg of CBD. Since your dog only needs 8-10 mg, you can 1) estimate, 1/3 of the dropper would be approximately 10 mg of CBD. 2) be more accurate by filling the dropper, releasing the oil back into the bottle one drop at a time, and counting them. In my case, there are 28 drops in a 1 ml dropper. 33 mg of CBD (in a full ml dropper) divided by 28 = 1.15 ml of CBD per drop. Given that, your dog would need 7-9 drops of the CBD oil.
I hope that helps. If your bottle is not 1 oz/30 ml, then you will need to so the same math exercise for the size of your bottle. The oil from HempMy Pet I mention in this article has clear dosing instructions on the back and markings on the dropper so you know how much oil to dispense per dose. That’s part of why I recommend them. Good luck.
If you do the calculations…give your dog about 10 drops per day unless anxiety or seizures is the issue – then double the dose size.
I have a 85lb dog how much oil can be given to her for her hips and tumors for pain.the meds the vet ginve her Dont work…
Hi Cassie. I’m not a vet so I can’t advise you on medical conditions. Besides, using CBD is about trying it (and varying amounts) to see if it works with your dog. Each dog reacts differently to it. With that being said, the product I use recommends about 4-5 mg of CBD for a 15-lb dog per day. Since your dog is roughly 5.5 times that weight, it would make sense that you would start with around 25 mg of CBD a day. I suggest talking to your vet though. CBD is known to help with pain but not always with conditions so severe. It might but I’m suspecting you would hate to try it for the week or so to see if it works and find out that it hasn’t been. If one pain medication isn’t working, perhaps your vet can prescribe another that will.
Hi Cassie, I noticed your message. I also have an 80 pound dog, she is a 10yr old German Shepherd suffering with hip dysplasia pain. I am having excellent results with CBD oil for her. I have been dosing her with high quality full spectrum CBD oil twice a day -morning and afternoon for about two years. We are now dosing at the maximum therapeutic level with excellent results. I have tried to be conservative with meds since I expected her disability and pain to increase over the years, and as such so will her meds. This year her pain progressed and we have to give meds also. Every night she gets a pain pill which usually helps her have a good sleep. We tried Tramadol and Gabapentin. Between these two, I believe she has much better nights on Gabapentin, as I felt Tramadol was not helping her enough. I give her a Tramadol occasionally if she is having a bad day, or if she is in a pain cycle that I have to break. My experience is that it is far better to keep her pain under control, then to have to get her out of a pain cycle. I learned that you have to try different pain meds and strengths to see what works. I’ve learned that Pain meds (Gabapentin or Tramadol) together with Carprofen (like Rimadyl or Quellin) work well together. So she may get her Quellin every 2 or 3 days, when I notice her level of pain increased or she is in a pain cycle that I have to break. Its like an ibuprofen for me, I take when my arthritis pain flares up, but not needed everyday. We are having good results with this meds schedule this year. As time goes on, she may need increasing strengths or dosages. Nevertheless, we see the BEST results when we dose her consistently twice a day with her CBD oil. My advise is to get her high quality full spectrum CBD oil, be consistent with her daily dosing, watch her closely to gauge her improvements and tolerance. We noticed a positive difference in both our dogs within days. Talk to your vet about pain meds and Carprofen. Feel free to email me to chat more. – Best of luck to you and your girl.
I also emailed you if that’s ok.
I have recently purchased CBD oil from Purekana. I havent been giving my dog the proper dose as he is a 126lb Rottweiller who has been having seizures for about 2 months now. he also has degenerative disc disease which he has been taking steroids for, for almost a year. he has alot of weight gain and the seizures are absolutely terrifying to watch. Ive read so many articles on which oil is the purest, the clearest ( called liquid gold) no fillers, less ingredients, etc. how do we know which one to buy and that the article isnt steering us towards purcgasing “their”product? I just want to help my dog!! Money isnt the issue.. I just dont want to waste time on oil that isnt effective….please help!! thank you …
Hi DeeDee. Sorry for my delay in approving your comment and replying.
There are certainly a lot of CBD products out there for pets and some are better than others. One way to tell the “truth” from just “advertising” is to read comments and articles from regular pet owners like myself. I’ve been extensively researching CBD for dogs for years and have really high standards. One product that clearly stands out to me is HempMy Pet. It’s the one mentioned in this article. You can read more about it here:
While it’s true that they sent me some to try, I was very interested in trying their product (based on my research) before they sent any. Don’t just take my word for it though. I am sure you can find some really good recommendations/testimonials online too.
my message isnt showing up in the feed so im not sure if you recieved it
Hi DeeDee. All comments from new people need to be approved by me. I am only able to check them every week or so. Sorry about that.
Thanks for this great guide! Its very nerve wracking giving a dog CBD, especially when it’s not a pet formulation (read human strength). I wrote down your formula and stuck it on the fridge for quick reference!
I have a bottle of Lidtke CBD Gold that 2500 mg. plain non-gmo oil. Can I give this to my dog? he gets mini seizures and the dr gave him phenobarbitol. I don’t give it to him because it doesn;r help. He also has a staff infection pseudomonas aerinagosa (sorry about the spelling) that he will have the rest of his llife. The treatments almost killed him. For the most part, his quality of life is very good as long as I am there for him. He is a happy little guy. He takes myrtazapine for his appetite. I would love to wean him off of that and give him the oil if it works. His problem in his sinuses. They gave him temeril-p but I dont want him to have prednisone every day albeit a small dose. His liver is still good. If he was suffering things would be different. He hasnt had one of these attacks as I call them for a long time. When I adopted him he was very sick and we brought him back from the dead. I would love to try the oil. I am confused about how many drop to give him of my oil or should I buy a smaller bottle. 2500mg which is 2 oz. is confusing for me to figure it out. Please help if you can Thank you so much
Hi Shelly. I’m not familiar with Lidtke oils but I took a quick look. Since the product is made for humans, I suspected it would contain significant THC in addition to CBD and it does. From what I know, that would not be appropriate to give to a pet. CBD oil for dogs should show 0 or a very, very small trace only, of THC. I will say there are some cases (like cancer) where a small amount of THC is acceptable but you definitely need to talk to your vet about the THC in this product if you want to give it to your dog. Really though, I suggest you get a product made for pets, like HempMy Pet or similar, and start with that.
Just for your own personal reference, Lidtke makes it easy to find out how much CBD is in one drop of oil. If you look at the back label, it says 12 drops of oil has 16.65 mg of CBD. So, you divide that number by 12. There is 1.38 mg of CBD in each drop. I don’t know the weight of your pet so look at the chart in this article to see how many MG are recommended for him per day. Say, 8 mg is recommended. Approximately 6 drops of this oil would be 8 mg (8/1.38). But again, don’t give this oil to your dog. At least not without talking to your vet first. I’m just using it as an example for the calculations.
I am traveling on an airplane with my 47 lb Belgian Malinois/Shepherd (6 mo) and I just purchased the “Pet.releaf”’ hemp oil 700 health – full spectrum cannabinoids.
Since you mentioned you have tried at least 10 different types of hemp oil, have you tried this brand and if, what is your opinion of the strength and quality.
Thanks, Janet
Yes, I have tried it. It’s the other one I highly recommend on this blog. Just type the name in the search bar on the home page to read what I’e written about it.
Hi Jessica,
If I’m only using cbd oil for anxiety should I give to my dog daily to see result. I’ve been giving the recommended dosage 30 minutes before I leave him or a vet visit. Doesn’t seem to work.
Hi Renee. I primarily give my CBD to my dogs for situational anxiety (ie. Gretel’s anxiety is not much at home but she can get really anxious in certain situations). I’m not a vet but, in my experience, the most effective way to give Gretel CBD to help anxiety is to give it to her 30-60 minutes before the stressful event (about 40 minutes is the sweet spot for us) and I have to give her 2-3 times the recommended dosage. You can read more about my experience with CBD and anxiety for dogs here:
How long (many hours) after giving prednisone can I give my dog CBD
I don’t know. You would need to ask your vet. If there are no medication conflicts with predisone and CBD, you may be able to give them at the same time.
How many hours after prednisone can I give my dog CBD?
My 12 yr old Goldendoodle was diagnosed with End stage osteoarthritis and has suffered from hip dysplasia for several years. We started her on gabapentin 3 months ago and 2 months ago I started her on CBD oil. After a month the 1st oil didn’t seem to be helping. I came across HempMy Pet after doing a lot of research. It was quite a bit pricier that the previous one, but I am a believer in you get what you pay for. After a month she was jumping up on the couch again and is able to run without her front legs giving out. Thank you for the article, I hope it helps sway people to giving a higher quality CBD oil to their furbaby!
I’m so glad HempMy Pet worked for you. Different brands use different strains (and some use a different strains within the same product) so results can vary from product to product. I’m goad you didn’t give up finding one because it really can do a lot of good 🙂
I have 2 retired greyhounds that I had on 300 mg CBD oil from King Kanine just to help with arthritis aches and pain from being big dogs. They were also two broken leg dogs is how they ended their racing career. The oldest one ran 90 races and the other one 80 races. Now king kanine is having issues with their processor who does not want to take them anymore because they carry CBD products and in Florida it’s a struggle. I was giving them .50ml twice a day each. Now I had to find another supplier by the name of CBDMD but the bottle is 750mg 30ml bottle. Am I correct to start them with .25ml twice a day and have u heard of CBDMD? I read they came in second as good pet product for CBD oil for pets.
Hi Diana. I have not heard of that brand. King Canine should have put the dose of CBD on the package as well as the volume (.50 ml?) that contains that amount. I’m not saying they did, but they should have. The new one you found should also list how much CBD is in each ml. Again, SHOULD but they may not have. Because I’m not familiar with using either product, or what is listed on their packaging, I can’t give specific advice. However, if the CBDMD is 30 ml, and contains 750 mg of CBD in the bottle, then 1 ml should contain 25 mg of CBD. If I’m understanding you correctly, you were giving 1 ml a day total of King Kanine. Without knowing how many ml were in the 300 mg bottle, I can’t do the same calculation in order to give you and “exact” equivalent. However, per the chart in my article, a 60-100 lb dog would use 16-24 mg a day. Since that is approximately 1 ml of the CBDMD (for the max dosage), if it were me, I would continue giving them the 0.5 ml a day. You can always adjust up or down if you need. Hope that helps.
My “Mac”, a 50 lb bulldog (used to be 78) he was recently diagnosed with a cancerous large mass in his abdomen affecting his liver. He is losing weight rapidly, I have read all over the internet of amazing stories on how cbd oil extended the life of their pet even when their pet was given a prognosis of 8 weeks to live and 4 years later the pet is still alive and still in remission. Im not asking for medical advise as I know you are not a vet however, I did purchase a 30ml bottle of 1000 mg cbd full spectrum with 33.33 mg per ml. It is human grade, therefore I am not sure how to dose him at maximum tier to help with his condition. Can you please help, so many sites online are confusing me. Would it be safe to say that I can give him .50ml (.25 in the morning and the rest in the evening) or should I cut down to a third of the ml dropper? I gave him tonight as his first dose .25 and he was not drowsy nor did it seem to affect him. Please advise.
Hi Daniel. I’m sorry to hear about Mac. Unfortunately. I have no idea what a therapeutic dose of CBD would be for something as serious as cancer. I’m sure it is more than the minimum suggested dose. On my bottle of CBD for dogs, it says a 50 lb dog should get 8-16 mg a day (minimum). So, to your question, “Would it be safe to say that I can give him .50ml (.25 in the morning and the rest in the evening)?” the answer would be yes since .50 ml would be close to 16.5 mg. I’m guessing a therapeutic dose for cancer would be higher than that. Studies have shown that CBD is safe for most dogs even up to 3x the minimum dose but I can’t say how high you would need to go to have significant impact on cancer cells. Sorry I can’t be of more help. If it were me. I would double the dose for my dogs in your situation (as long as they didn’t get severely drowsy) but I am definitely not recommending that is what you should do… as, like you said you acknowledged, I am not a vet. Good luck.
Our shih-tzus have pretty delicate stomachs, so we want to give them as little oil as possible, so as to avoid their getting The Dreaded Poops.
What is your opinion of our giving them an oil that is double the recommended CBD concentration, so that they will receive only 1/2 as much carrier oil?
That’s fine. The point of my article is the right about of milligrams of CBD to give a dog and an example of how to figure out how many drops that is based on the concentration of a particular oil. The actual amount of oil given is insignificant as long as the appropriate milligrams of CBD are given. Good luck!
I have a 5 lb Chilhuahuas. How much a dose do i give them
Please refer to the back of the package of CBD. I don’t know what kind you have so I can’t say. However, the dose is generally 2 mg of CBD for a 5 lb dog for general health. You’ll need to do what I explain in this article to determine how much CBD is in a drop of the oil or whatever you have.
Hi, I purchased a 30ml bottle of Full Spectrum CBD oil from a local brick and mortar store close to where I live in Texas. The bottle sys there is 12 mg per 1ml of oil. I have a 20lb Cocker mix who was recently diagnosed with oral melanoma and I’m a little confused about dosage. The bottle suggests 4 drops daily but that sounds like a lot to me? I’m hoping you can give me some guidance here. The entire bottle is 30 ml, or 350mg. Thank you!
Hi Tami. You’ll need to dispense 1 ml, drop by drop, and count it, Then you divide 12 mg by the number of drops to get the amount of CBD per drop. In my example, the HempMy Pet CBD oil we use contains approximately 1.1 mg of CBD per drop. The recommended starting dose for a 20 lb dog is around 5 mg. If we assumed that your CBD was the same concentration as mine, you would need to give 4-5 drops to get that dosage (so your instructions are accurate). As I noted in the article, depending on what you are giving it for, and especially for anxiety, you may need to double the dose to get the desired effect. CBD has been shown to be safe in high doses (the most it does to my dogs is make them really sleepy if I give them too much) so don’t stress about being 100% accurate with your dosage.
Hi Jessica,
Awesome article! Thank you for the instructions on how to use it. It was truly amazing how the hemp oil that I purchased from the local online retailer (I’m in Australia) works on my dog who’s 10 years old with joint issues. Now, he’s a happy dog who loves to walk again 🙂