WEIner vs. WIEner and Other Nicknames for a Dachshund
Once upon a time, a girl (me) inherited a little funny shaped dog from a roommate. I decided I should learn all I could about the Dachshund breed and that started my obsession.
Since that day, I’ve learned that people also call Dachshund by alternate names including wiener dog, weiner dog (a misspelling of the word very common in the Dachshund community), dotson dog, doxin dogs, doxie, daschie and oh, so many more.
All of these different names are for the same breed of dog.
For example, when someone asks, “Where can I find a Dotson dog?” they really mean a Dachshund. They just don’t know the real name for the dog or how to spell it.
Dachshunds and Wiener Dogs are the same thing too.

Where Did the Dachshund Name Come From?
The Dachshund is a member of the hound group that originated in Germany for hunting.
They were bred to hunt badgers, and other burrowing animals, in the woods.
The word Dachshund is actually made up of two German words: Dachs, which means badger, and hund, which means.
The name “Dachshund” literally means “badger dog,” from Dachs (“badger”) and Hund (“hound, dog”).
How do you spell badger dog?
Well, the secret is out. The way I have spelled Dachshund in this article is the proper way.
To be crystal-clear, the proper spelling of the breed is D-A-C-H-S-H-U-N-D.
How do you pronounce Dachshund?
In German, “chs” is pronounced like “ks”, or “x”, so the word “Dachs” is pronounced DAKS or DAX.
In German, the word “hund” is pronounced HUUNT.
Therefore, Dachshund is pronounced Daks-huunt.

The Most Common Nickname for the Dachshund
The most common nickname for the Dachshund is Wiener Dog.
There are various stories of how Dachshunds got this nickname but all involve the selling of sausages in Vienna (Wien), Austria (source).
The stories go something like this:
- People sold sausages that originated from Vienna
- Some called these Vienna sausages “wiener dogs”
- Eventually, they started calling them Dachshund sausages because they were long and skinny like Dachshunds
- Then the two names became interchangeable – both for the sausages and for the Dachshund breed dogs
Note: wiener dog was eventually called the hot dog and then that term also became interchangeable with Dachshund dogs.
WIEner Dog vs WEIner Dog – Which is the Correct Spelling?
You will see Wiener Dog spelled two different ways – WIEner Dog and WEIner Dog.
The proper German spelling of the word is “WIEner”. However, Dachshund lovers spell it both ways.
It’s misspelled so often that it doesn’t seem to make a difference how you spell it when referring to the Dachshund dog – people, and Google, know what you’re talking about either way.
If you don’t believe me, type the misspelled version into Google and you will find that plenty of web pages about Dachshunds come up.
One night 10 years ago, I decided to start a blog about my Dachshunds.
I knew that Dachshunds were also called Wiener Dogs. I liked that nickname better because it fit our silly and free lifestyle.
Why Did I Use the Improper Spelling for the URL of this Blog?
If you didn’t notice, the URL of this blog uses the improper spelling “Weiner”.
I know some of you notice because the grammar police remind me a few times a year that I’m an idiot and and not using the proper spelling of the word.
But two things:
1) Yes, it’s misspelled. I’m aware.
When I started this blog, I admit I didn’t remember how to spell the word. So I did what everyone does and Googled it.
Since I was looking for how to spell the word when referring to Dachshunds, and given what I said above about the two different versions, both spellings came up an equal amount.
I hopped online, typed “WEIner Dog” and Google returned a lot of results about Dachshunds and the nickname with that spelling.
I then typed in a different spelling – “WIEner Dog”. Just as many relevant results were returned.
I chose the latter spelling.
Apparently, I chose unwisely because as this blog became more popular and I started doing interviews, I was often asked why I misspelled “wiener”.
I wanted to have a clever reason but I didn’t. My spelling of the word was a split-second decision while I was tired based on what I found on the internet.
3) I don’t Care. Not one bit.
I did eventually change the spelling of the blog to WIEner so it was proper and so I would stop getting questions.
So, technically, I do care.
I care that I spell it right as an example to others and I care because I’m really tired of being talked to like I’m an idiot.
However, I was unable to change the spelling of the word in the URL of this blog.
I was also not able to change the spelling on our Facebook page.
Why I couldn’t is too long to explain here so let’s just leave it at that.
Now, when people point out my mistake in spelling, I no longer care.
Other Nicknames for a Dachshund Dog
I’ve been blogging about Dachshunds, and running Dachshund club in Seattle, for over 7 years.
I think I’ve heard every name there is for a Dachshund and so many variations on those names.
“Proper” Variations of Dachshund
Although Dachshund is a German word, in modern German they are more commonly known by the short name Dackel or, less commonly, by Teckel (source).
Nicknames for the Dachshund Dog
Other names I’ve heard a Dachshund called, and their variations, are:
- Doxin
- Doxie
- Dotson Dog
- Doxin Dog
- Datsun
- Dachie
- Daxie
- Daschie
- Dashie
- Hot Dog
- Sausage
- Sausage Dog
- Weenie Dog
- Weeny Dog
- Weenies (one of my personal favorites)
- Weens
More About The Dachshund Dog
A Dachshund’s temperament is often described as intelligent, tenacious, energetic, stubborn, devoted, loyal, clever, lively, and courageous.
To learn more about the Dachshund temperament and personality, read my articles:
- 25 Dachshund Facts Every Owner Needs to Know
- 11 Funny Things Dachshunds Do That Owners Will Totally Understand
There are two sizes of Dachshunds in the US and 3 in Germany. Read my previous article if you want to know more about the different sizes of Dachshunds.
There are 3 coat types – smooth (short haired), long haired, and wire haired. Each coat type comes in many color variations.
The breed is prone to health conditions like Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD), a genetic disease which affects their spine. This is the biggie – about 20–25% of Dachshunds will develop back problems in their lifetime due to IVDD.
The breed is also prone to seizures, cushings disease, patellar luxation, and allergies.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.
I never even noticed that you spelled it differently.
I just did a quick google search and thought they made some good points here:
Never noticed the misspelling…lol. Seems like people are always trying to steal a good idea.
If anyone has ever taken an idea of mine I don’t know about it. I am not as clever as you and others so no one would want my ideas anyway. 🙂 I did purposely misspell gardener (gardner) when I started our blog. But either spelling can be found in the search engines. Hugs
Hi. I have had them for over 40 years and I would not have anything other than my DASHOUND. At this time. RANGER DANGER 15 and his son BUSTER BROWN is 12. And MR JANGLES is only 3. .I am 70 and I know they are a handful but until you have one you don’t know how to live. Forgot. The will track deer only. As all know they are fast but do get tired soon
ie or ei- dachshies rule!
You wrote: ” I typed in “wEIner dog” and “wIEner dog” and both came up with just as many web pages for the short, elongated dog.”
However, if you look at the results, BOTH of them only show web pages with the correct “wIEner dog” spelling.
Our neighbor’s son has a weeny dog
I can’t believe I forgot that one! And a few others. I’ll go add them now. Thanks 🙂
Log Dog
Your creative spelling of wiener threw me off for years. I never knew what to tell people to search for when I met dachshund lovers on boats (and I meet lots of them). 🙂
Like I said, it’s pretty common among the Dachshund community… so I don’t know how “creative” it is. Ha, ha. Google even treats both spellings the same when it comes to search results. However, to people outside of that circle, that know the proper spelling, I understand it can be confusing and/or grating. That’s why I changed it in the logo and on business cards. It would have hurt me too much to switch it in the URL so I own both spellings and they both point to the same website. They both resolve to the “WEIner” spelling. It doesn’t matter how it’s typed into Google though.
I love this post. There are so many nicknames!
1) For us “weenier” quickly transformed into “weasel” after our Frank started stealing food and playing other tricks, and then morphed into “weez” and then into “weez-hund.” We’ve called other people’s dachshunds “lil weasels.” Lol, they usually don’t know what we are talking about.
2) A few years back a neighbor’s toddle saw our dog and exclaimed “HUNDLEY!” Which is the dog on PBS’s “Curious George.” (http://curious-george.wikia.com/wiki/Hundley)
3) Also we call fat doxies “Brats” like bratwurst, becuase a bratwurst is usually thicker than an American hot dog.
I sew pet accessories and have heard many people call them Dash Hounds…?
Hot dog. Noodle dog. The Queen of Ween!
Omg. That cracked me up. The queen of ween. I love it. Thanks for the laugh.
I have owned these little guys since I was 10. That was 59 years ago. I’ve got another this year. Love these babies
In Mexico, children yell ‘Salchecha’ (sausage) when they encounter Snoopy.
We thought ‘Snoopy’ a weird name for our tweenie when we adopted him…until we saw his ears flap when he runs and dances. Perfect. (And my name is Lucie. Our last Doxie was Charlie.)
Keep up the great blog!
My two are cocktail wieners! Cuz they are miniatures!!
I had missed the misspelling in the URL too. I’ve been seeing Daxie more and more often. It seems to be a Dutch thing, but that’s based on only a handful or people using it that way.
With Dotson/Datsun, I had a neighbor who couldn’t help himself from making from of a friend’s use of that version. My friend mentioned to my neighbor several times that we had a Dotson coming to visit. Next day my neighbor mockingly said, “I just wasn’t sure how you were going to fit a Datsun through the front door.” Wiener dog jokes never end and take on many forms.
I love this post! 🙂
I call Georgie just about ALL of the names on your list above! My favorite is “Tiny Datsun”. LOL. You know that Elton John song, Tiny Dancer? Yeah, I sing, “Hold me closer, Tiny Datsun.” It’s Georgie’s favorite song. :p
Ha, ha. That’s super cute 🙂
I call mine “Wienerschnitzel” lol
So do I, with a German accent, of course! Haha!
Me too! She also hears beanie-weenie from time to time!
In Russia this dogs breed called as “Такса”/”Tax” and “Таксы”/”Taxes” for multiple. Yes, simple as that.
That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
In the old days we had penmanship and spelling rules driven into us, and the rule for those particular letters was “i” before “e” except after “c”; and we also owned a wienie names “Coffee”, but he passed away of old age on December 31, 2015.
Yes, I had that too. Although, spelling and penmanship probably wasn’t as drilled into me like it used to be (evidence: my Grandma who was an absolute whiz at those things). But I started my blog late at night when I was sleepy and not thinking straight. I remembered after the deed was already done 😉
They’re a GERMAN breed.
If you’re going to call them “Weeners”, the spelling has to be WIE. THat’s pronounced “wee in German.
WEI is pronounced “why”, so “Weiners” is pronounced “Whiners”, which is just stupid.
Yes. I hear you and thanks for the little German lesson. The thing is though, whether you like it or not, or whether is’s grammatically correct, some people in the Dachshund community will always spell it weiner. To me, it’s nothing to get angry over. Life is too short. What matters to me is that they treat their dogs well.
I was admiring a man’s dachshund, when he tried to correct me: “It’s called a Dutch hound, it’s German you know!” I’ve heard “dashhound” too.
Huh. I’ve not heard “Dutch” Hound before 🙂
I have heard dash hound several times also, in addition to the ones mentioned in your article. The only Dutch hound I have heard of is my own, but that’s because her name is Duchess Marie, Dutch for short. 🥰
I think it’s so cute that you spelled it Weiner. I recently adopted a PRECIOUS little Wienerschnitzel and found your blog when I googled to find the proper spelling!
Keep going with the Weiner, it makes such a great story! =)
BTW, I’m from Bellingham, my puppy was born in Lacey and we adopted her in Lacey so her name is…….Lacey!!
Meh…. Dachshund nuts spell it either way so they get it no matter how I spell it 🙂 Do you live in Bellingham currently? I went to school and one of my best friends lives there so I go up fairly often. Love that town.
You wrote, finger raised, “The proper spelling of the breed is D-A-S-C-H-S-H-U-N-D.” – which is hilarious, as the first “S” should not be there… 🙂
*My* two cents: In Germany, the dog is definitely normally called “Dackel”.
The historical denomination “Dachshund” is seldom used. The FCI states, that Dachshund is the german name for this dog, whereas it is rather used as collective term for “Dackel” hunting dogs divided into short haired, long haired and wire-haired Dackel.
The name “Teckel”, in turn, is hunter’s jargon. Usually, kennel clubs just love to use that description.
Ha, ha. Thanks for catching that. That was definitely a case of a typo. Ironic isn’t it given the article 😉
Thanks for the clarification of the terms. I find it very fascinating.
I’m about to acquire a 4 month old chiwienie (sp?) and am considering naming him Oscar Mayer. Get it? LOL. The song/jingle will
accompany him everywhere he goes and I’ll be the songster – of course!
Congrats on your new addition. Great name pic too. I know a lot of wiener dogs named that.
Like “wiener” dog, people spell Chiwienie many different ways. The way I spelled it is the most technically correct becuse it’s a direct combination of Chihuahua and Wiener. I’ve seen it spelled Chiweenie too though and I think that is cute 🙂
I live in Ecuador, here, and in other South American countries, they are known as “Perro Salchicha” or sausage dog, in English.
I love that. Thanks for sharing.
I just love doxies! We had a “Dixie” that had to have back surgery! Worked out well and she lived for many more years out of pain!
Glad you like our blog. I’ve definitely heard several people use the term “Dixie” before.
Love this article, ours is an adopted mini, named her Roxi, Doxie.
But she is often reffered to as “TTWT” tiny tank of waddling trouble!!!
Our special English Cream baby is named Bailey. She is also known by her stage name – Hot Dog Rapper. Her new Rap hit I’d available now. Stinky man, stinky man – bite him in the butt. Her first hit was Barking in da hood. It was a best seller! Smile.
Ha, ha. Love it!
My hubby likes to call our 5 “short long dogs”. I call them the “Smith pack”.
They are indeed like a brand of chips,you cant stop with just 1!!
I would never use the name wiener as I’ve always thought that to be an American males nickname for his penis. In UK I have a Dachshund, (pronounced Daxhund) and that’s what he’ll stay. Thanks for the blog
You are not wrong! Ha, ha. Most Dachshund owners love a good wiener joke. I get that not everyone is comfortable saying that word though.
Dachshunds are the best! My 1st weenie was a mini black & tan named roscoe he was 13 when he left us. I have 2 more now. Louie is a brindle & Dunkkin is a black & tan. I just love these little guys to pieces. They are characters & have so much love to give.
I have heard people, even breeders, mispronounce Dachshund, saying Dash hound. I have tried to correct them and explain the German but usually they think they are correct! LOL