Help! My Dachshund Suddenly Can’t Walk
Over the years, I’ve probably received 100 messages and emails from people whose Dachshunds are experiencing back problems, neck problems, and trouble walking.
Although I’ve written several articles on the topic, I haven’t yet written one that specifically addresses the urgent time right after you discover that your Dachshund’s back legs are paralyzed, their front legs won’t work, or they are obviously experiencing back or neck pain.
I’m happy to write back to people who reach out but I thought it might be good for me to put all of the advice I’ve given over the years in one place.
To be clear, I am NOT A VETERINARIAN. I can speak from my own experience, knowledge, and stories I’ve heard from others but in no way does my “advice” replace that of a qualified veterinarian.
However, this is what I can share with you….
My Dachshund is Shaking and Suddenly Can’t Walk. What Should I Do?
When your Dachshund experiences pain, back, or neck problems it can be scary.
Paralysis or a back injury is something that can happen in an instant.
One moment your dog can be happily playing, laying on the couch, or sleeping. The next moment, they yelp in pain, are shaking, are walking wobbly, or showing one of these other signs of a back injury.
If this happens to your dog, what should you do next?
Are the Back or Front Legs Affected?
When a Dachshund is having trouble walking or is fully paralyzed, it’s almost always either the back or front legs that are affected.
If your Dachshund’s front legs aren’t working as they should, it’s likely caused by an issue with the vertebrae in the neck area.
If it’s the rear legs that are affected, it’s likely they are having a vertebrae issue somewhere along the spine in the back area.
Either way, my suggestions of what to do immediately are the same. However, knowing which area of the spine is affected can help.
Restrict Their Mobility
You need to limit movement as much as you can so help prevent the issue from getting worse. If they are fully paralyzed, this may be easier but beware that your dog may be confused and keep trying to get up.
If your dog is crate trained, put them in one so they can’t move around much. If they are not comfortable in a crate, or you want to really restrict their movement, wrap them in a towel or blanket and have someone hold them.
If paralysis is in the front legs, indicating the spinal cord in the neck maybe damaged, try to keep their head as still as possible.
In my experience – and I don’t want to scare you – but a spinal issue in the neck can be even more dangerous because paralysis can affect the lungs… which your dog needs to live.
If your dog is in severe pain, they may not let you touch them. They may yelp or struggle a lot (dogs in pain sometimes bite too).
In that case, it’s ok to not restrict them because their struggling won’t help things. If they are in a lot of pain, they probably won’t move around a whole lot anyway.
Call a Veterinarian
Time is of the essence with any back, neck, or spinal trauma.
If it’s within business hours, you can call your regular vet and ask them what to do. There’s a chance they can see your dog immediately but most won’t be able to.
If they can’t see your pup right away, whether your vet recommends it or not, you should take your dog to an emergency clinic. If the injury occurs after hours, that will be your only option.
Emergency vet care can be expensive (more than a regular vet visit). Still, it’s very important your Dachshund be assessed, and that they get medication, right away!
If you absolutely can’t afford to go to an emergency clinic, or there isn’t one near you, then your only option might be to put them on crate rest right away and wait for your regular vet.
Just know that every minute they are not being treated, the injury can get worse, despite how it may appear from the outside.
In reality though, their condition could progress even with the crate rest and medication but at least they wouldn’t be in as much pain, or any (the vet will prescribe pain medication).
Things you will want to tell your vet include:
- Is it the back or front legs that are affected
- When it happened
- How it happened
- What symptoms your pup is exhibiting (and why you suspect it might be IVDD)
- What has happened (how your pup acted and what you did) after the initial pain episode
Do be aware that a lot of vets are generalists and are not super knowledgeable about IVDD.
I suggest, while you are waiting, if you aren’t already knowledgeable about IVDD symptoms and treatment, that you do some research online. That way you are at least somewhat informed when you talk to your vet.
If you are not satisfied with your vet’s answers or knowledge level, seek a second opinion.

What Are the Possible Diagnoses?
There are pretty much only two ways a Dachshund can hurt their back or neck.
One way – the significantly less common way – is for them to suffer an acute injury. An acute injury is an isolated traumatic event that’s usually obvious like falling down stairs, being hit by a car, being stepped on, etc.
This type of injury is an isolated incident and the treatment methods vary widely based on how the injury was caused and the consequences.
The other way – the way that almost all Dachshunds suffer a back injury – is a disk bulge, or rupture, caused by a disease called Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD). This damaged disk them compresses a nerve.
IVDD is most likely the culprit if your dog is between the ages of 4 and 8 years old.
Note: It could be due to an underlying deformity or other thing but I’m assuming you’re here because your dog was fine and then they suddenly couldn’t walk
What is IVDD?
IVDD – acronym for Intervertebral Disk Disease – is a genetic disease.
About 25% of Dachshunds are affected at some point in their lives. Scientists know the disease is linked to the dwarfisim gene in Dachshunds, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, etc.
There are other genes involved too that, until very recently, scientists have not been able to isolate. Because of that, up until now, there has been no test that can screen for the disease.
There still isn’t anything easily accessible or reliable but scientists at UC Davis discovered a promising method for testing genes related to IVDD. This is exciting news but, unfortunately, I have heard rumors since that further research into this will not be funded.
IVDD is still considered one of those afflictions were diagnosis is possible only once symptoms present in a dog.
Note: Senior Dachshunds can have degenerative disk issues but that is age related.
There are 5 stages of IVDD injuries. According to the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center’s description of anatomy and disease process of IVDD (this is the same info I see everywhere but theirs is a clear explanation), the stages are:
Stage 1: Neck or back pain without neurological deficits
Stage 2: The ability to walk but with knuckling of paws, muscle weakness, or partial loss of normal body movement
Stage 3: The ability to move the legs, but inability to stand and walk under their own power
Stage 4: Paralysis, which is the complete inability to move the legs but maintaining the ability to feel a deep pinch of the toes
Stage 5: Paralysis with no feeling of a deep pinch to the toes
These signs always worsen in the order listed above, and they always return in the reverse order as a dog recovers.
How Will Your Veterinarian Diagnose IVDD?
The first thing a knowledgeable vet will do is the “knuckle over”, or foot reflex, test.
They will fold your dog’s feet over one-by-one so that the the top of their foot is touching the floor or table. Normally, this will feel really weird to a dog and they will immediately flip their feet back over.
If their nerves are damaged or their ability to feel are effected, there will be a delay in righting the food. Usually, the slower the delay, the more severe your dog’s condition is.
The veterinarian will also pinch the pads of their feet, and in between, to see how well they feel pain. It doesn’t hurt them but they should feel a slight pinch and react.
They will also examine your dog’s spine to help pinpoint the exact area where the injury has occurred.
When and if your vet diagnoses your dog with IVDD, they should be able to tell you what stage they’re in (see above).
Your veterinarian may recommend Xrays or an MRI to confirm. These will tell you exactly what is happening and where.
If you aren’t going the surgery route, they may not be absolutely necessary (that’s what my veterinarian told me anyway – be sure to ask yours if it’s not something you can afford). The treatment is the same – strict crate rest and rehab – no matter where the injury is.
If your vet is going to do surgery, they DO absolutely need these done. They need to know what they are fixing and where before they start surgery.
What Are the Traditional Treatment Options for IVDD?
Be aware that some vets will tell you, if your dog is completely paralyzed, that your only option is to put them down.
I am not clear whether that is a common (or more common than I think it should be) recommendation because the vet isn’t knowledgeable about the IVDD treatment options available or they assume a client doesn’t have the money or dedication to pursue alternate options. Although I initially assumed it was due to lack of education, I suspect that, in some cases, it may also be the latter.
No matter what treatment option is used, unfortunately, it can be time consuming, emotionally trying, and a financial burden.

So what treatments are usually prescribed for IVDD?
When your dog sees the vet, they will usually recommend one of two things based on your dog’s condition and symptoms – immediate surgery or immediate strict crate rest with steroids and pain medication.
If a dog has surgery, they will be prescribed the strict crate rest and medication during recovery. In other words, it will always be crate rest. The question is whether it will be now or a bit later.
Prescribed crate rest should be a minimum of 5 weeks. Some dogs need as many as 10.
The idea of crate rest is to keep a dog largely immobile so the problem disk has time to “heal” by forming scar tissue over it. It takes at least 5 weeks for this scar tissue to form. It can take longer though.
If your vet suggests surgery, they think that’s the best chance you have of your dog walking normally again. I’ve never heard of a vet suggesting surgery when it’s not needed.
However, surgery can cost from $6,000 to $10,000 (maybe even more). I hear from many people that can’t afford that and wonder if it’s absolutely necessary. Like I said, a vet wouldn’t’ suggest it if they didn’t think it was necessary.
If you are financially unable to go that route, don’t lose hope though. You options haven’t totally ran out.
The thing you need to be aware of about surgery is that it doesn’t always work. Also, some dogs that were paralyzed made a partial or full recovery with medication, crate rest, and alternative treatments alone.
If you can’t afford surgery, you may certainly have the option of trying crate rest with medication and seeing if your pup starts to get better. Unfortunately, if they don’t, you may be faced with a tough decision.
Regardless of the stage though, know that the pain and inflammatory medication, along with rest, is the most effective and common treatment. Other things can be done alongside that but the crate rest is crucial to recovery.
Keeping your dog confined to a crate for 5+ weeks can be difficult. It’s difficult on you and your routine, no matter how willingly you do it. But be clear about this- It’s an absolute must! No cheating.
After the first week, Gretel didn’t need the medications for pain and inflammation but she became restless when she started to feel better. Luckily, my vet agreed with me that I needed something to “knock the edge” off but didn’t need to go as far giving her drugs to sedate her.
I managed her restlessness by taking her for walks outside in her stroller, giving her time on the couch with me (in her harness with her leash attached – holding on to it so she couldn’t move away from me or jump off the couch), giving her hemp CBD dog treats, and giving her the VetriScience Composure Pro chews (affiliate link) (although she needs 3 or 4 times the recommended dosage – it’s not harmful to do that).
What Does Strict Crate Rest Mean?
Strict crate rest means very little movement. It means leaving them in the crate almost all of the time (including at night).
It means carrying your dog out to go potty and keeping them on a short leash so they can’t walk around much. It means feeding them in their in crate.
I will note that, depending on your dog’s condition, they may be able to start supervised rehab (ask your vet what you can do) before the full crate rest period is up. Like with people, it has been found that sometimes active recovery is better than “lay totally immobile until it’s better”.
Six weeks of keeping your dog confined to a crate is no picnic for sure. Some dogs handle it better than others but I guarantee you it’s harder on the owners than it is on the dog.
One of the most difficult things is that your dog may seem like they are better after a week or two. Many owners think their dog “looks fine” and, since they feel guilty crating their dog, they will stop confining their dog.
Gretel seemed “fine” after a couple of days too. I get it. However, I knew that there was no way the proper scar tissue could have formed over the disk by then. It takes at least 5 weeks.
That’s the reason for the crate rest – not pain. You have to stay strong and keep them in there or risk an incomplete recovery and a constant flare up of the same area.
Read my article about dealing with a dog on crate rest to find out how I kept Gretel calm and broke up the routine the best I could.
What Are the Complimentary Treatments for IVDD?
In my experience, it’s uncommon for a vet to recommend alternate or complimentary treatments alongside crate rest. It does happen but I would say I hear about it happening only about 1/4 – 1/2 of the time. A lot of that may have to do with what’s available in your area.
Gretel and I are very lucky here in Seattle where some of the best IVDD and rehab specialists are. We also have access to almost any alternative treatment that exists.
I want you to be aware of these options so you can do some research about what you can do to get your pup healed and lessen the chance of another episode. These are:
- Acupuncture
- Cold Laser
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Hydrotherapy
- Other muscle strengthening exercises (doggy gym exercises)
When I took Gretel to the emergency vet and she was diagnosed with IVDD, I immediately made an appointment with a rehab vet.
We used the Animal Surgical and Animal Medical Clinic of Seattle (they’re in the same building but one is a 24-hour emergency clinic). Our rehab vet was Dr. Eide at Animal Surgical. Note: your pup likely will need to be diagnosed by another doctor at the clinic before seeing Dr. Eide.
The first “plan of action” for us was to start cold laser treatments immediately. We then started hydrotherapy (walking on a treadmill underwater) 1-2 times a week that were supervised by a vet. After another week, I was also to start walking her for 5 minutes a day in a controlled environment where she would’t spook and make any sudden moves.
When we weren’t doing specific, supervised exercises, Gretel had to stay in the crate. The aim of the exercises was to retain as much muscle mass, and actually improve her strength, during the recovery period.
The specialist we saw was not specifically listed as an IVDD expert. However, she IS an expert in injury rehabilitation and IVDD is something she deals with often. You might want to try searching “dog rehab specialist” in your area if you are interested in this option.
We continued the cold laser and hydrotherapy once a week for a few months and gradually increased the length of her walks at home. I also added in acupuncture and core-strengthening exercises.
Eventually I bought a home cold laser for dogs so I could give her treatments myself and save time and money from not going to the vet.

Could You Have Prevented a Back Injury?
The short answer is no. Not entirely anyway. So don’t feel too guilty about what you did or didn’t do “right”.
Back injuries in Dachshunds are almost always caused by IVDD. A dog either has it or they don’t.
Sure, an episode can be delayed or minimized by not letting them do things like jump but that is not always the case no matter how careful someone is.
A dog with IVDD can hurt their back just by jumping up quickly from their dog bed or playing in the yard. There was no specific trigger for so many of the dogs I know.
Sure, minimizing the jumping could have postponed a likely, inevitable back issue but it wouldn’t have stopped it from happening.
But, yes, once you know your dog has IVDD, you should do things to help protect their back like:
- Educate yourself and know the symptoms so you can catch it at the first sign (so it doesn’t progress to a full-blown disk issue)
- Minimize Jumping – use ramps, stairs, lift
- Make sure your Dachshund is not overweight
- Keep their muscles strong and flexible with regular exercise (appropriate for their condition)
- If there is any issue in the future, follow a regime of STRICT crate rest for AT LEAST 3-5 WEEKS
A Dog’s Life After a IVDD Diagnosis
Once your dog has been diagnosed with IVDD, they have it and that means their other disks could be compromised too. There is always a chance they could suffer another episode in the future.
One of my first questions to the vet was, “Would Gretel ever be able to hike again?” Her answer was undoubtedly yes (although, of course, they can’t actually make any guarantees).
Gretel’s injury and diagnosis was March 2016. We haven’t had an episode since but I know it’s a possibility.
While the problem disks healed, IVDD could cause one of her other disks to rupture. A subsequent episode could be anything from another mild case to paralysis and surgery.
I KNOW this. However, I had a choice to make. I could let her live a happy, active dog life or keep her inactive and subdued the rest of her life. I chose not to treat her like she is fragile.
I know I am taking a risk but I mitigate it by proactively doing things that will keep her back strong and protect it. Like I said, she could injure her back again just jumping up from bed.
If it’s going to happen, I would rather it happen on a fun hike. Besides, my rehab vet confirmed that keeping her muscular and flexible will only help her back.
That’s just our situation and the choice I’m comfortable with though. We’ve been lucky. Some are not so lucky.
I have heard of a few Dachshunds that keep having back pain off and on for the rest of their life despite their owner being as careful as they can.
It’s also possible, for dogs that had some paralysis, surgery and/or crate rest did not completely fix that. Some went on to live a normal life with the help of a wheelchair for dogs.
The bottom line is, your dog may go on the live an entirely normal life after an IVDD diagnosis. Or they might not and need special accommodations the rest of their life. Each situation and dog is different.
IVDD Resources
After our experience, I wrote a lot of articles. You can find them on my IVDD resources page.
I highly suggest you check out these resources too. They are some of the best out there. I’ve got a lot of my information from these over the years.
There is still no reliable test for IVDD in dogs. Up until the later part of 2017, NO test existed at all. However, a team of scientist from UC Davis published a paper stating that they may have found a way to test for IVDD.
There is still a long way to go in this study, and there is a rumor that additional studies are not being funded at this time. But it IS very exciting news.

About the Author
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a Dachshund sitter, President of the largest social Dachshund club in Washington State, a dog trainer in training, and I’ve been a Dachshund owner for 20 years. I have over 150,000 hours of experience with the breed. When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, camping, and traveling with my adventurous wiener dogs.
This is excellent advice. My third dachshund was mis-diagnosed and ended up paralyzed. I willingly became her life-support system and she lived a very happy and spoiled life until she died of unrelated causes at 16. My fourth dackel also ruptured a disk but we were able to treat her in time and she was fine. Taking care of a paralyzed pet is doable but it takes a lot of work and worry. Still I wouldn’t have traded a moment with Pretzel III. It was all worth it. Overbreeding and excess weight are two controllable variables, but the fact is, dachshunds are built for IVDD. Standards are more prone than minis. If you’re seduced by the breed, you have to be careful and mindful. I’m on dachshund #7. So far, so good!
Oh, no! I’m sad to hear your pup was misdiagnosed.
Interesting that you say standards are more prone to IVDD than minis. I’ve heard it both ways but not seen any proof one way or another. However, I’ve have very little exposure to standards so that skews my experience.
I have a 5 year old female dachshund came home from work she couldn’t walk took her to emergency vet they said she needs surgery brought star home been giving her meds and pain meds going toy regular vet today I hope so my question is complete crate rest I’ve been up all night with my baby I’m so worried
Hi Michael. I’m sorry you’re having this experience with your pup. Hopefully you’ve been able to see your veterinarian by now and have some answers and a treatment plan.
Help my dash Izzy suddenly became paralyzed also she drags her back legs and has sores on both feet please help I can’t keep nothing on her that she doesn’t drag off please help Kim and Izzy
Hi Kim. You say Izzy “suddenly” became paralyzed but then also that she has sores from dragging her back legs, which indicates she’s been doing it for a while. Did you go to the vet as soon as she was paralyzed? How long has this been going on for? Some Dachshunds are never able to regain use of their back legs. In those cases, if a dog is getting sores like your Izzy from dragging their legs around the house, people will buy what’s called a “drag bag” for their dog to use at home. Here is an example: For outdoors, drag bags aren’t practical so people will buy, or make, their dog a wheelchair. Here is an example of that: Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
As a disable dachshund owner for years I know all to well about dachshunds dragging their legs behind them and getting sores from such. A balm is the best thing I found for healing but I know longer have those issue as I started using buttersbrand pet drag bags. They are reusable sanitation garmets.
I’m having the same problem with my 4 yrs old doc. Second time in two yrs. Vet has here on steroids, not helping.
Hi Joy. Are you following the strict crate rest protocols (absolutely no walking)? Has it been more than a week? If the answer to both of those is yes and it’s still not getting better, I suggest you call your vet to let him or her know.
I have had a lot of rescued dachshunds so I am now on 15,16,and 17. My oldest female had back problems was a 4 time cancer survivor, had a eye removed due to glaucoma, and live to be 18.
Two of my dachshunds had back surgery. Some were too old for surgery so they just had kennel rest.
I worked from home so I was always with my dogs.
I have 5 now. These are not my first doxies, but after 25 years – I’m hooked.
My 10th one?
Your post is about 3 years old are you still active, I need helpful advice for my little girl is paralyzed in her back legs
Yes, I am still actively maintaining this blog. However, I don’t have the time to answer the comments section as often as I would like. Everything in the article is still what I would recommend, which is why it is not updated (there was no need). If you still have questions, feel free to email me at
I have a 4 almost 5 ur old mini doxie. Wobbly in the back and last night. Got her out of her crate this morning. Put her in the floor her back legs where gone. She is currently at the Er for the night. They’ve given us a really high amount that short of selling my organs(lol) we can’t afford. I feel the only thing im going to be able to do for her is meds an crate rest. And maybe surgery in like a month or so. So I have time to get some money together.
Hi Kelly. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Surgery is indeed expensive. If you can afford it, it’s often the best option but all hope is not lost if you can’t. Many Dachshunds partially or fully recover with “conservative treatment” (meds, create rest, and rehab) alone. Ask your vet but it’s my understanding surgery needs to be done right away to be affective. If surgery is not done now, conservative treatment may be your best option anyway.
This is great accurate information, I wish I had read this before my dachshund had back surgery. We didn’t enforce the crate rest for the full 5 weeks after an acute injury because he seemed so much better. He became Stage 4 overnight after being out of his carrier for a few hours moving around. Thankfully he fully recovered with surgery and is walking and running just fine more than 6 months later.
My rescue doxie returned home from an overnight visit from the our kennel of choice. Was happy to be home excited and had a vet appointment for grooming of nails and anal gland checkup. Two days latter on Thanksgiving he had trouble walking n was in pain when turning different position. He wasn’t his happy self. Vet appoint found no disc problems or brakes! Yea just muscle spasms that was causing his pain. We went home with pain medications and an Assisi Loop to use twice a day. Improvement successful with the first day of treatment. We have limited jumping off the bed n sofa and use the Assisi Loop when the cold damp weather. Yea for this new treatment! It’s comfortable to laser treatments, but can be done in your home.
Glad the Assisi Loop helped you. We have one of those as well but I prefer the laser (we have a small home unit). However, the Assisi loop is way more affordable than the laser for most people.
My 4 year old Nova is 3 weeks post disc surgery with almost no improvement and no signs of walking. She can stand only for a few seconds with assistance. We are in intense therapy so I am praying for even an ugly gate! My biggest issue is keeping diapers on! Any suggestions? Ive tried onseies, doggie diapers, preemie diapers, velcro holders, etc
Unfortunately, I don’t have any “great suggestions. For Chester, I had to just keep trying until I found something that worked. It was a frustrating, and kind of an expensive, experience. This is the brand of disposable diapers that worked best for us (we have the male version): (that’s an affilate link so I get a small sales commission if you buy).
I had a dachshund who was slow to recover from back surgery and I despaired that she might not ever walk again. I had a different vet check her out and she recommended hydrotherapy. After several weeks of nightly treatment in the tub, one morning she stood up and started walking. It was one of the best days of my life after weeks of crying and wondering if I was doing all I could for her. She was five when that happened. She lived to be 16, and while her back was never 100% again, she was mobile right until the end. If you haven’t tried the hydrotherapy for your baby yet, you might want to give it a try. It can’t hurt, I don’t think, although you might want to check with your vet first.
As a disable dachshund owner for years I know all to well about dachshunds dragging their legs behind them and getting sores from such. I started using buttersbrand pet drag bags. They are reusable sanitation garmets. They work great for our family.
Maggie is recuperating from a back injury and we are looking for a ramp. She is only 2 years old so we have (hopefully) many years to try to keep her from jumping. I have looked at tons of ramps and stairs. We decided a ramp would work best. Can you tell me of any you are familiars with?
Ramps are so hard to find that don’t have a steep incline. Those Long doxie bodies need a little longer of a ramp in my opinion and those are hard to come by. We finally found this one
We also had extra notches put in so it can be raised to a lower incline than it comes with regularly.
Can anyone help me with choosing a ramp so my doxie can get on our sofa?
I built 2 of them..onefor the bedroom engine for the living room. They worked quite well. Carpet the surface though.
Hi Maria. I’m not a veterinarian so I can’t say for sure. I’m not quite sure why they would want to do an MRI after surgery because it’s my impression that is something you do before surgery so the vet knows exactly where the problem is/where to operate. Is your pup not getting better after the surgery? If not, they may want to check to make sure there is not another issue or to see if the surgery didn’t take. Either way, if you are questioning the procedure, I would ask your vet some more questions. Vet’s generally have your pet’s best interest in mind when they recommend services.
Thanks for reply. Vet had a cat scan done before surgery, leo was operated on, after operation vet said he felt pain on his back legs , which is a good sign. The next day vet phoned saying that he now felt no pain, that’s when it was suggested a mri.
Yes, it’s like what I expected then. He’s not recovering as they expected so they want to make sure there is nothing else wrong. Getting and MRI is your choice but, in my opinion, the vet was not incorrect to recommend it. If you can’t afford it though, just know that I have heard stories of dogs who couldn’t walk not getting the surgery and recovering through rehab and passive exercises (which can also be costly though). Good look to you and your pup.
my doxie woke up crying and lame in her front legs . been almost 2 weeks now now herniated disc r anything surgical. what happened to her . I need help .
Hi Cyndi. I believe I spoke to you via email so I won’t go into details here. I hope you were able to get your pup some help.
The same thing happen to my doxie. Have him on tramadol and meloxicam for one week and contained in his crate. He’s not improving. I dont know what to do. Do you update on your doxie? Any advice? Mine is 10 1/2 years old.
I could not be happier to find this site! I have been searching for specific information on this. My 9 year old doxie suddenly couldn’t walk yesterday. Dragging her hind end completely. She had an MRI done and the vet said that she falls in the gray area about surgery being emergent. She still has feeling on the neuro tests and he thinks she has a 80% chance of recovery with crate rest and medication. I’m so relieved to see that people have had success! I’m looking into acupuncture, and water therapy, and will not rule out surgery as a possibility. No specific questions, just glad to find this!
Hi Lisa. I’m so sorry to hear about your pup but very happy that my article helped and you took the time to let me know.
My dashound her name is princess she is 13 years old she had a slipped disc a year ago vet wanted me to euthanize her I told him no I wanted to wait he gave medicine to make her comfortable 8 months all of a sudden she couldn’t walk her back legs were paralyzed in 4 weeks she was walking again now it’s been a year and half she fell off porch 3 days later she was paralyzed it’s been over 6 weeks I’m still giving her pain medication when needed and steroids I built a doggie wheel chair I love my dog shoes my child and I don’t want her to suffer she scoots really fast everywhere drinks lots of water and appetite good she has no control over bowels and has diarrhea for a day and half before that she constipated I take very good care of her keep washed massages hot and cold compresses but the diarrhea has been really bad has her.butt extremely red and swollen and her pop is bloody I can’t afford to take her to get for I am not working she is wanting me to hold her alot which is not normal for her.i don’t know what to do for her to stop diarrhea I have been putting tri derma stubborn diaper rash healing cream on her butt because her butt is so inflamed and swollen and red .I thought about bathing her in absent salt any suggestion I think she is in stage 5 of ivdd. I want my baby not euthanized I want her to be at home but I don’t want her to suffer like I said I think she’s depressed and in some pain but not every day she still wants to go outside she scoots everywhere she eats good drinks good so to me that’s not suffering but every day I have to question myself my heart is broken and I don’t know how to make her better
Hi Faith. Sorry you are going through this. I’ve never had to deal with paralyzation and bad diarrhea. I do know, especially in the later stages of IVDD, not moving a dog around too much is of utmost importance. If Princess likes baths and stays very still then it might not be a high risk to give her one. Personally, I would go for some kind of wet wipes to clean her up if I could. The key would be fining one that treats redness and swelling while being safe for dogs. Good luck.
Turmeric 2 teaspoon in food with some coconut oil. Your dog will be like a puppy no surgery no drugs please. and he will walk again. Promise Lucy 17 years old paralyzed at 3 years old ! Every couple years she’ll get where she seems to be in pain. Couple days on turmeric boom like a puppy again. I have never been back to the vet since the day they said no hope surgery and surgery only. Lol. Blessings
Hi Karen,
I am all for natural supplements, how many times a day did you use the tumeric/coconut oil in her food? I feed my dachshund twice a day, should I use twice a day until he is feeling better? Thanks for the advice.
Will the capsules help just the same or does it have to be the powder. My baby dash is 6 and is having pain and welps sometimes when he lays down. I’m prayin
Hi Heather. The capsules can work as long as they are just a carrier oil (olive and coconut) and turmeric. In other words, there should be no other ingredients except perhaps black pepper (it helps the turmeric work). BUT the amount that comes in one capsule is probably too much to give your pup at once, especially when starting out. I give Summit and Gretel (who are each about 10.5 lbs) a quarter teaspoon of golden paste (my own turmeric mix – you can find recipes online). I will warn you, turmeric can make your dog’s face smell like cat urine/ammonia at least during the initial detox phase. Adding some cinnamon to your pup’s food can help get rid of that smell.
Hey there! My baby suddenly stopped walking on his back legs less than a week ago. I live in a small rural area where there aren’t a lot of options. I finally got him into the vet yesterday and they did all the tests he has some feeling when she pinched his toes but not a lot and she did an X-ray which showed he has a herniated disc she recommended surgery which there is no way for me to afford being a single mom of 2 but she did put him on steroids and he is on crate rest also. He can still stand some on his back legs but he mainly drags them. I am praying that the medication helps she said there is a 50% chance it will. Is there a chance that he can walk again on his back legs even just a little bit? I will take him having any improvement at all right now. He is my baby and I hate not being able to take him to surgery but there is just no way but I am praying that the medication and crate help him improve. I have been looking at wheelchairs or any alternative therapy that can help improve his back hopefully helping him be able to walk. Since we don’t have many options here it is hard. Thank you for this blog it really has helped me so much learn about IVDD.
Hi Jessica. I’m sorry you and your pup are going through this. Each dog is different and there no guarantees. However, I know many Dachshunds who have made a singificant recovery with conservative treatment (crate rest, medication, and perhaps some alternative therapies) alone. For some, the recover is full. For others, it’s varying degrees of partial. They were able to walk again though.
A wheelchair is a good option if he doesn’t recover. Don’t put him in a wheelchair until you are sure though (10-12 weeks minimum) and/or a definite confirmation from your vet that he won’t improve.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
Dec 26th 2018, I noticed that my Doxie Willie was in a lot of pain around his back area I rushed him to the vet and he did a exam and talked alittle about Doxie’s getting spine problems and that it could be genertic or an old injury or that Doxie’s start to have spine issuse as they get older. He then took xrays and found that there’s two disc that have small spaces between them, the vet put Willie on Rimadyl 25 mgs for 7 days said to keep him from jumping around. I asked him about a Roid shot and he said no because it can hurt Willies liver. I carried Willie to and from the yard to use the bathrm he seemed to be feeling a bit better for a few days, today is sunday and now Willie is having a hard time walking and wont beable to see his vet until Jan, 3rd 2019. Im keeping Willie calm giving him minmial amount of water to keep him hydrated also small amounts of food.
I so wished I was back in Seattle so Willie could be seeing a vet that knows about these problems in Doxies.
Hi Kay. I’m sorry for the delay in replying. I wasn’t responding to comments during the holidays due to other obligations.
It’s January 4th so were you able to see the vet again? What did he/she say?
When you say you are keeping him calm, does that mean he is on strict crate rest? He most definitely should be. It’s the best chance he has of his disk healing and him recovering. Here is my article on crate rest: is also a great resource.
With that being said, healing progress is not always linear and some dogs heal better than others. Hopefully your vet was at least able to
I have had a lot of rescued dachshunds so I am now on 15,16,and 17. My oldest female had back problems was a 4 time cancer survivor, had a eye removed due to glaucoma, and live to be 18.
Two of my dachshunds had back surgery. Some were too old for surgery so they just had kennel rest.
I worked from home so I was always with my dogs.
Dapper, my male dachsie, is just turning 15 and having the first back problems since I adopted him. He and Mitzi lost their person a few years back and they have been wonderful companions. Dapper started having pain late in Christmas and I took him to the vet when they opened December 27th. He was on steroids and muscle relaxers for a week then a second week of steroids. He seemed to be almost back to normal but his back legs are slipping sideways today and he’s having some fecal incontinence. Your articles would indicate not IVDD but old age issues. I don’t think he’d survive anesthesia due to a heart murmur. Any recommendations?
Hi Dee. Yes, because of his onset of symptoms at an older age, I agree that it’s likely not IVDD but, instead, just degeneration due to old age. Unfortunately, most of the symptoms and consequences are the same – it’s just the cause that is different. The treatment is also often the same. Check out regarding crate rest. I’m not sure how well that works for issues due to degeneration (I would ask a vet to make sure) but I can’t see how at least a week or two of crate rest can’t help. However, the incontinence issue makes it sound to me like his condition is progressing but I would take him to a veterinarian to rule out anything simple like a urinary tract infection. Good luck to you guys.
Hi, my dog was totally fine , but now he can’t move a single leg he can feel them but have no control and he doesn’t seems to be experiencing pain in his back. he is only able to move his head(with difficult) he can’t pee or poop alone(i have to prees his belly) my vet told me to put him to rest but he didn’t do any exams he only looked at my dog and said to put him to rest. I’m taking him to another one today. Do you think he would be able to walk again? Or at leats move his back legs so i could put him in a wheelchair He can’t even wave his tail(but he feels it) or bark properly. Pls give me a light.
Hi Malius. I’m sorry you and your pup are going through this. It sounds like his spinal issue may in his neck (because his front legs also don’t work). Neck issues can be a much more serious situation than in the back. Still, vet’s often only seem to give the option to do surgery (if that is possible) or put them down. Definitely check out the websites Dodgerslist and K9BackPack. They have a lot of great advice about this issue. If it were me, I would try conservative treatment (medicine and strict crate rest) first and then decided if I needed to put my dog down if there is no improvement or he got worse. It IS possible that he could go on to have a good life in a wheelchair if his front legs started working again. You may be to express his bladder and bowels the rest of his life though.
Hi.. My 4 year old Cujo was fine one day.. Next morning he couldnt walk and draging his back legs.. He ate very little on Sunday and hasn’t ate since. He does drink fluids. He has no control of his bladder and no feeling in his back paws. The vet gave him steroids and we go back in 2 weeks. Help it hurts me to see him like this. What happened?
Hi Chastity. That definitely sounds like IVDD. I tried to explain a little in this article but fore more details on IVDD back problems, please read this article: The bottom line is that back issues like this area almost always caused by genetics. The IVDD disease makes their spine deteriorate and one day a disk ruptures. Some show little signs before that the back is causing them issues and with some the onset is very sudden like you explain. If your vet didn’t stress it, PLEASE do the 5 weeks of strict crate rest. Doing it doesn’t mean your pup won’t need surgery at some point but the create rest is the #1 treatment for this condition and the only real chance that the problem disk will heal. You can read more about our crate rest experience here: Two other great resources for IVDD are K9BackPack and Dodgerslist (has more details on the why and how of crate rest). Good luck to you!
My dog yelped one day while greeting someone, so I took him to the vet. The vet gave him medicine and by the afternoon he was completely paralyzed. Went back to the vet for new medicine and laser treatment. The second day was Saturday and he had another laser treatment. Sunday the vet was closed. My dog began bleeding and peeing non-stop. He couldn’t tolerate either and needed his pads changed every ten minutes. He was very, very upset and never slept a wink. On Monday, the vet said the bleeding was a very bad sign and that my dog needed to be put down. It was all so sudden and so horrible. The worst of it was that my dog couldn’t sleep for four days. He was absolutely terrified and appalled by his incontinence. You make it seem like dogs roll with the punches, but that is untrue. My dog woke me every hour at night to change his pad and every ten minutes all day. If he wasn’t changed, he just compulsively licked himself. Crate rest? My dog didn’t rest at all.
Hi Shar. I’m so sorry for the tragic way things unfolded for you. How devastating.
While it’s true that a dog’s condition can deteriorate rapidly, that is not the norm. I thank you for the reminder to myself, and to others reading this, that sometimes, despite the best efforts, not all endings are happy.
Had to put my 10 yr old large standard Dachshund to sleep . He was in the kitchen and was fine , when I walked back into the kitchen 2 mins later , he was sitting with both hind legs sticking straight out . Took him to the vet the next morning and he was completely paralyzed from his waist down. He could not feel anything including the urge to urinate . Had to symptoms before this as he was very active running and walking. The vet said it was degenerative dusk disease or a tumor on his spine that was causing the paralysis, and even with surgery the hope of him walking again or being able to urinate or poop on his own would be so extremely low. He Weighed 39 lbs . , was overweight but not grossly as he had large muscle mass. He was my companion always by my side , I am devastated , and so lost and empty without him, but I didnt want him to live that way , and the vet said he could have bad infections with his bladder and complications since he had no feeling . He’s be gone 3 weeks and the pain is almost unbearable. I hope I did the right thing . It was so peaceful at the end as he could not feel anything while being put to sleep . Still in shock how suddenly this happened . He was so full of life and was my true guardian Angel. Will never get over losing him.
Hi my dashy just wokeof up yesterdayof morning in pain todayand he cant walk onof his backlegskind he wasof a throw away Ithe adopted him heof is withdie me forlove three years thisof is his first time paralysis. I dont have moneylove for awant vetenarian he is about 9)10 years old. What canlove I do? He is crate ridden next toof my bed. I am in a state I cant handle him suddenly not running and playing. Is there any home helpor remedies?
Hi Jackie. Unfortunately, you really need to find a way to get him to the vet. He’s going to need pain meds and anti inflammatories to help get his injury under control and make him comfortable. Dogs are good at covering their pain so even though he may seem not in pain today, I am almost absolutely sure he is suffering silently. Explain to the vet that you can’t afford x-rays to to assess the level spinal injury or surgery to correct it. With the medication, and strict crate rest (potentially for 3-4 months) there is a chance he could recover at least partially. Do know though that not all dogs do though. He may either be left permanently paralyzed (which you would have to manage the rest of his life) or choose to let him go. Another option, although heartbreaking, is to contact a rescue that is able to take him from you and give him the medical attention he needs. The best of luck to you two.
Our daschund had back surgery when she was 3 and recovered perfectly. She is now 13 , has heart murmur and had to go to vet yesterday because her back legs stopped working. She still has feeling in her feet though. Due to the heart murmer and age she cannot have surgery again. They said they cannot put her on an anti-inflammatory because of her liver, after they did blood panel. She is on 2 pain meds and crated. Is this the best quality for her since she has no real options medically? I just don’t want to make her live in pain or anything. I want to make sure i am thinking in her best interest, i kinda feel like the vet is scared to tell me.
Hi Deb. What tough situation you are in. I can understand the surgery but never thought about not being able to prescribe anti-inflammatories. If the pain meds are working then, yes, crate rest is your best bet for her recovery. Many dogs have recovered with crate rest alone, whether surgery was initially recommended or not. If you feel like your vet is not being honest about her prognosis, and the efficacy of the pain medicine, I would seek a second opinion. Good luck you to. It’s so hard when our babies are not feeling well.
Thank you for sharing this information! I feel much better educated after reading.
My 10 year old dachshund mix, Boxcar, was shaking in pain last night and walking drunk with his back legs. Took him to the emergency vet and saw his back paws are knuckling with great pain when his mid/lower thoracic spine was palpated. They put him on gabapentin, codeine and as needed trazodone. I had given him one baby aspirin before the ER so they don’t want to prescribe steroids or NSAIDS until that’s out of his system. He’s has never tolerated crate training and would rather cut his lips trying to chew out of the crate. Hoping the trazodone will help as we attempt to train him again.
I don’t feel surgery is an option financially, going to try aggressive bed rest and continue with the meds. Im curious your experience with CBD oil and treats?
I’m heartbroken and terrified for my littlest love but feel hopeful nonsurgical treatments will help.
Thank you again.
Hi Ali. I’m so sorry you and Boxcar are going through this. I took a break from my blog over the holidays so it’s been almost a month since you wrote this. How is he doing? CBD really helped keep Gretel calm in her crate during the crate rest period, although she was used to being in a crate already (just not that long) and ok with it. Based on my experience with her anxiety around strange dogs and people, and my use of CBD to try to mitigate that, I think CBD is great for mild anxiety but if Boxcar is severely anxious in a crate, it may not help at all or not enough to allow him to safely be in there. Since I know she experiences some back pain occasionally, and she still hikes, I give her CBD after harder ones to ease some of the pain and inflammation. This is our favorite brand:
Evening please help !! I have a miniature Dachshund Rosie she is 8 years old. She had back surgery 2 years ago after coming home one day to find her completely paralyzed. I cannot begin to explain how I felt that day, it wasn’t a quick recovery however after 2 weeks she began to improve and did walk again, not like before, Weaker on her left with a slight curve but at least she could walk. I told myself we where blessed and each day was a blessing, she Is my baby. Well 2 years later today and we are back to square one, she is moving still in the day however for some reason when it gets to the evening she cannot move and will not walk or move she just sits ?? Please please help me. I don’t know what to do for the best, surgery isn’t an option this time I can’t put her through that again. Do you have any advise, she’s used to having free run of my home and then sleeping with me at night ( she doesn’t go up the stairs I carry her ) we tried a Crete last time and she hated it and it stressed her out so much. Rosie is use to been with me or my kids and husband all the time.
Kind regards
Hi Natalie. Have you taken Rosie to the vet to confirm the issue is with her back? I imagine it is but it’s important to get confirmation. If so, you can try conservative treatment – steroid shot from the vet, medication, and strict crate rest for at least 5 weeks. Even though she may seem better before then, you must do the whole 5 weeks. That is the minimum time it takes scar tissue to form over the disk and “heal”. If you don’t do the entire time, Rosie can have an issue with the same disk later. Unfortunately, as may be the case here, a dog that has IVDD can have a rupture in a different disk later so it could just be this is a new case and not a re injury of the old one. I know you said you tried the crate last time and she hated it but her being immobile is crucial to her recovery. You may either have to work though her hating it until she gives in or seek medication from your veterinarian to help her relax in there. Some people also build their dog a “recovery suite” that isn’t as enclosed as a crate but that is very restrictive for their activity. You can read more about how to do that here: You may also want to read my article on how we got through 10 weeks of crate rest with Gretel (who is now fully healed): Good luck to you guys!
Thanks for all the info you have shared on this topic, It’s been super helpful! I was wondering how soon you started doing 5 min walks in the active recovery portion of Gretel’s healing?
It’s been a long time and I did it under the close supervision of a rehab vet. She assessed Gretel and told me when it was ok to start. It will vary for each dog. I do believe that we were able to start after two weeks though.
Thank you so much! We are going to the vet today but all the comments here and your articles are giving me hope that we’ll get Olive out on the trails again. I just want to be as careful as possible to give her the best chance of recovery. Happy trails!
Very interesting read, and useful material for preventing as well. Sadley we just had this happen out of no where to our little Cubbie this weekend. He was 13 and was chunky, but very sweet and really didnt have major health issues. But went to bed at 12am saturday night, he woke me up whimpering a little at 2:30am shaking and very heavy panting . I took him out thought he was nervous, realized he had 0 rear leg movement. But front paws only. I flew to ER for pups and after several hours they told us what the issues were. Sickly to our minds and stomachs we decided to let our lil baby free from all his pains. So on Sunday our lil baby isn’t in any pain, and if anyone experiences this, be prepared for any direction. They are sweet lil babies but require lot more protection from wear and tear on bodies.
I’m very sorry for your loss David. It is true that there can be a wide variety of outcomes and some are the worst one you want.
Hi Jessica, My Bleu Ivy is a dachshund has IVDD and had surgery 3 years ago and she had another incident last Saturday. She can stand on back legs a little bit but does not walk. I took her to a reputable surgical center and they did a cat scan and one of the disks went right through her spinal cord. They said surgery is to risky so right now they don’t want to perform it because she could lose her ability to urinate and other things. She also has a bladder stone which right now they was not worried about. After her first surgery I was not good at eliminated her bladder and she got her functions back but now I am so worried. They said she is not in pain and she might need a wheelchair. They will keep her a few days to make sure she can still urinate before I bring her home. Has anybody else gone through this and what do I need to do. Please help. Can someone tell me if their quality of life is ok. I don’t want my Bleu Ivy to suffer. I lost my mother four years ago and if I did not have her I do know what would happen. She has helped me so much with all the deaths around me I just want her to be ok. I am so upset right now.
Hi Brenda. I’m sorry to hear Bleu Ivy is going through this again (and you). I run a large Dachshund club and we’ve had several members over the years with Dachshunds in wheelchairs. The dogs were very happy and had a great quality of life, although the owners did admit it can take quite a bit of work to help them go potty and keep their back feet from getting scraped when dragging. That can happen if they touch the ground while the cart is moving – socks help that – or they are dragging their legs around the house when not in the cart – paralyzed Dachshunds often use what is called a “drag bag” around the house to prevent this. Hoping the best for you guys.
My dachshund try to jump on the couch and yelped and after that he was walking around limping this was two days ago and now he’s completely paralyzed on his hind legs I know I need to get him to a vet but I don’t have any money completely broke he said he’s my little baby I don’t know what to do for him he was attacked by a husky a couple months ago and recovered I do have is anti-inflammatory pain meds still but my question is how can I help him go potty when I pick him up he peed all over my hand how can I help him go
Hi Jacqueline. I’m sorry this is happening. I don’t have personal experience with expressing a dog’s bladder or bowels due to IVDD/paralysis but I’ve read some about it. If you haven’t already, look for videos on YouTube. I know I’ve seen a few there. You may also want to join this IVDD support group on Facebook and as for help/advice there:
My Daxi passed away 8 days after Ivdd she got up off her bed and couldn’t walk properly hunched back and like she was drunk, took her to vets and was referred to spinal specialist they recommended crate and meds said it was promising as had use off legs still by the end of the next day she had lost use of legs all together so had to go back in bets, over the next 5 days she lost use of bladder them on the 5 th day moved legs on pinch test and started to use bladder again we were so relieved ! She came home and was having physio and laser therapy but in the 3 Rd day home she payed down took 3 deep breaths and died ! I tried to revive her but she had gone, she was 5 years old very fit and nothing happened she just woke up and couldn’t walk I can honestly say it’s broke my heart and I have never gone through anything so awful to watch my sweet fun living girl go downhill like this we all miss her so much she was such a great little dog, I have read in worst cases the cord can soften and it affects the nerves that control the breathing and that the heart is u der massive strain from the injury, I wish she could of got better and still been with us like so many others do she had the best care everyday and was loved so so much x
Oh, gosh Terri. I’m so sorry. What a horrible experience to go through. Yes, in some cases, dogs can develop a subsequent spinal condition – sorry, I can’t remember it right now but it starts with an M – that cases the paralysis to progress despite the best efforts. The spine can also continue to deteriorate on it’s one. If this moves up the neck, it can most definitely affect the nerves that control the lungs. I’m sorry you had to say goodbye at all but especially when she was so young.
Hi Jessica,
Your blog was a Godsend that I found after our 5yr old mini dachshund Chia developed an issue with her back legs.
At first we thought she had some muscle strain because she wasn’t her normal active self. This was in early September this year. The Vet diagnosed some hind leg tissue damage… with rest and meds (anti-inflammatory).
The following day she was walking like she was drunk. That is when I through desperation, researched the issue online and by good fortune I found this amazing resource that you had created. I read everything that you had provided along with the stories and feedback from all of your followers. I was way beyond being “informed” when it came time to see the Specialist two days later. Chia didn’t have incontinence but she was required to be expressed (bladder). This was difficult initially. After a week she she was going voluntarily.
His diagnosis after performing a few tests ( knuckle over and pinch test., Ability to stand/walk, vertebrae physical exam…was that Chia needed immediate surgery for her IVDD…..which he generously offered to perform that evening at a cost of $15,000. We were shocked and anxious and in despair. Luckily I had prepared and suggested we will try the alternate conservative option of crate rest given that we didn’t have the funds nor insurance to cover this extraordinary cost. The Vet seemed unfazed but remained positive for Chia’ s healing process and advised she needed strict crate rest with minimal movement. I knew from your information this was going to be a 5 week journey so I prepared the family for what was needed. He confirmed it would be 5-6 weeks of rest.
We have had Chia since she was a month old. She has become my third daughter and does everything with the family.
It is now just over 5 weeks. I can happily report that Chia is mobile again. She is walking, and running a little, albeit not with the same sturdiness as before. She has lost weight too ( she was almost 1.5kg overweight). The Vet was absolutely delighted and impressed to see Chia’s progress. She passed the knuckle and pinch tests with flying colors. Still some tenderness in the middle verterbrae region…but what a transformation.
Chia is a very cheerful dog who is quite active. She is starting to show signs of wanting to do things she did freely before her issue. (We don’t know what caused it). Over the course of 5 weeks it was constant attention – she got very anxious at times especially with the crate that she had never experienced since she was a pup.
I just wanted to relay our story and Chia s journey with you and your followers with a sincere thank you for providing such a fabulous resource. Without such I don’t know if Chia would still be with us today (the option of putting her to sleep was a consideration in the first few days). I must add that the conservative approach was never mentioned by the Specialist as an alternative. It’s hard work and requires someone’s attention every single day (me). We are proof that the conservative approach does work.
I just wanted to add that I also introduced turmeric into Chia’s diet from the outset of the complication… based on contributions made on this blog. No issues in terms of rejection on Chia’s part. 1 tablespoon tumeric powder was added to pureed pumpkin(500/ml) then added to her bowl (tspn at a time) with other food items daily.
Also Chia was not consuming enough liquid (dehydrated). I made a weekly supply of chicken broth….She effectively had 400ml per day …and she loved it. That, with her normal food and she still lost weight.
I would say Chia is at about 90% and every day she is showing signs of improvement. Well on her way.
We all (including Chia) thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We had control from the moment we chose to follow your guidelines. Bless you.
We have our happy little baby back again.
Today she scratched herself with her rear right hind leg for the first time in more than 5 weeks. The voluntary shaking of her head from side to side (flapping her ears) tells us she has her sensations back to normal. The attention seeking barking is back too.
Best regards
Ps. (I think Chia got very used to being carried around the house and her little trips outside. She never did miss out at any time. In part, I think this helped with her recovery). Smells and routine are important for dachshunds. This was introduced early and as frequent as possible.
Hi James. Thank you for sharing Chia’s story. It’s uplifting to hear my blog post helped and that she is doing so well.
I am in need of help, I have a Doxie apx 15 1/2 years old. I live in a home with daughter and her kids. There are 3 other dogs on the house. I believe my Doxie may have gotten tangled up in the legs of one of the larger dogs. He always gets excited when they are, and goes to do I don’t know what, as he never wants to play with them. But I left for work all was fine. When I got home daughter (was off that day) said he wouldn’t move off the dog bed and didn’t want to go outside, didn’t drink or eat. When i called him to come with to our bed room he followed me. He had that drunk walk, his rear legs kept crossing and then he’s just sit down and wait for me to pick him up. He wont drink it eat much. It’s been 2 days. I’m at the thought process that maybe it’s time to put him down. Then i thought today that possably natural anti inflammatories might help enough if I can keep him quiet. I have no money to take him to vet. He still yelps once in a while if he moves too quickly. I carry him to go outside to potty and carry him back in. He hasn’t been moving at all except to adjust how he is laying. He’s on glucosamine when I can get him to take it. Sometimes I insist and assist getting it into him. Any other suggestion of what I can do for him is much appreciated. I am concerned about using heat therapy as I would think that would inflame the the problem. Please help. I’m praying I dont have to put him down.
HI Julie. This does definitely sound like IVDD. Unfortunately, most of what I would suggest to keep him comfortable would cost as much as a vet visit. Check out the website Dodgerslist. At the very least, he should be put on crate rest for at least a couple weeks to see if he improves. You can probably also find some YouTube videos about stretching. Also, there is an IVDD support group on Facebook that sometimes loans out the LumaSoothe light therapy device, which can reduce inflammation naturally. You can find that group here: Good luck.
Thank you for this info. I did the following. As his pain was high, he was not moving around and content to just lay on the dog bed. I covered him with light blanket, tented my heating pad over his back and put on the warm setting. It’s an extra large. I carried him to go out to potty and carried him back in. He didn’t eat or drink for 3 days. I finally got him to eat bananas, a little bit anyway. About a week after he was doing a bit better. I had done heating pad 3 times a day. His appetite increased so he was eating and drinking a bit more. For 4 days now he is almost back to normal. His gind legs are, I’m hoping weak from not using them. His right side is a little worse. I’m still carring him when he’ll ket me, but he’s doing great. Oh, and I did CBS in peanut butter for dogs. I’m pleased where we have gotten to with out all the other stuff. I believe it was a slipped disk that was the issue. If it had ruptured, he’d still be down for the count. I had many people praying for him. Prayer works! Thank you for all information that allowed me to make choices that I had to make. Bless you all for your kindness.
I’m glad you’re had such success. I know this comment is almost a month old but I will caution you against stopping conservative treatment so soon. It takes a minimum of 5 weeks for scar tissue to “heal” the disk. Before that, your dog may act healed but they are not internally and your pup can continue to have issues/flare-ups with the same disk in the future because it’s not fully healed. I’ve, unfortunately, seen it happen way too much. I respect that it’s your pup and your choice – just sharing from 15 years of experience with Dachshunds.